🎓 Consultants for a business context in permanent transformation

Because of this, our Universitat and the Col·legi de Censors Jurats de Comptes de Catalunya have created the master in Business Consultancy, a training based on the innovation and adaptation to a changing context axis

Fecha: Monday, 31 de July de 2017 a las 15:00h

Consultants for a business context in permanent transformation

The constant transformation and innovation context in which most companies have to develop entails periodic global analysis of their structure, procedures and strategies. Because of this, an external look will growingly be needed, the glance of a “third party” who is able to objectively examine with perspective the challenges and opportunities of the organisations.

This “external” figure results in the Consultant, called to become indispensable due to the need of companies to innovate and institute adequate strategies to their environment. To sum up, a good consultancy is essential, in order for companies to grow while being sustainable, to increase their profits, to guarantee the return on investments and to be competitive.

Because of this, our Universitat and the Col·legi de Censors Jurats de Comptes de Catalunya have created the master in Business Consultancy, a training based on the innovation and adaptation to a changing context axis.
With this new master, it is provided the new kind of consultant needed currently in companies. A professional with a holistic, innovative and international vision, who guides the company towards the detection and correction of things they might be lacking, and the promotion of their main competitive highlights, while avoiding that the company falls back.

Consultants for a business context in permanent transformation