🎓 Official master’s degree in Digital Communication and New Technologies | Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

Official master’s degree in Digital Communication and New Technologies

Master’s degree in Digital Communication and New Technologies

Official master’s degree in Digital Communication and New Technologies

Academic area


Length / Credits

9 months

Official quality certification - AQU

Places / Modality / Language

Blended learning

In collaboration with
Student profile

Graduates of studies in which the impact of Digital Communication and New Technologies is essential. Engineers of technological fields and telecommunications.

Admission and Enrolment

Enrolment application via website, sending of the documents and formalisation of admission at the University.

For more information

Calendar and timetables

From October to June. Tuesday and Thursday, from 6:45 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.

Academic calendar

Organised with La Vanguardia

Why study at the UAO CEU?

1. Employability

The average employment rate is 94.6% (AQU 2023) in UAO postgraduate studies.

2. Future projection

Specialised training oriented to the professional market of the digital communication, emerging sector with great perspectives of future projection.

First official master's degree in Spain that integrates communication and digital marketing in relation to the usage models of new technologies in the Information Society.

The official master's degree in Digital Communication and New Technologies from the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU is designed to respond to the growing needs of the media, the companies and the institutions, in the management of their digital communications, as well as the adapted content creation in the framework of the Information and Knowledge Society.

The digital triad Communication - Marketing - Technology is, thus, the objective of this programme, which aims to professionally qualify those students who want to face the challenge of the digital market, from different perspectives.

3. Competitive advantage in the jobs market

The digital revolution is completely transforming human communication. Big data, social networks, virtual and augmented reality and artificial intelligence are now essential elements of our global society's cultural, economic and professional future.

By undertaking this innovative personal and academic experience, with a focus on business and an eye to the future, you’ll be perfectly placed to understand, master and develop in the digital world, gaining a competitive advantage in the global jobs market.

4. Complementary activities
  • UAO CEU Digital Communication Week: a week where you will get the chance to listen to leading professionals from the main sectors related to the digital revolution.
  • Experience Week Lab: a week where you will get to experience first-hand a digital project in a tech environment.
  • Visits relating to your master’s to major events and the main centres working in digital communication in Barcelona.
5. Evolution

This master's degree is linked to the Research Group on Digital Journalism and Broadband, global leader in scientific production in its area of knowledge.

6. Professional development

Real internship programme in first-level companies and media. Job Listing at a national and international level with more than 2,300 associate businesses with internship offers in more than 20 countries.

7. In collaboration with specialised companies

Close relationship with a great number of service providers of digital communication and technology, which recognize the excellence of this official master's degree and benefit from the graduates in this discipline.

8. International nature

Our students acquire the linguistic and cultural knowledge required to work anywhere in the world.

9. Faculty

Our faculty is composed by prestigious experts and professionals who have been selected for their prestige and specialisation in the area of Digital Communication and New Technologies.

10. Language

This master’s can be taken in either English or Spanish, depending on your preference. 


Teaching staff


Direction and coordination of this master’s

Oleksandra Molotkova

Professor Molotkova is a journalist with 14 years of experience and the new faculty member of the Department of Communication. She has worked at Euronews and collaborated with the BBC, Associated Press, Press TV, Voice of America, Reuters, and TV3 as an analyst. She worked for 4 years at IWG plc as a Team Manager for EMEA and the UK. At Abat Oliba CEU University, she has been teaching for two years in the Journalism Degree program, where she teaches foreign correspondence and political journalism.

Teachers in charge of subjects (PRA)

  • José Ignacio Castello Ribera. PhD in Journalism from San Pablo CEU University in Madrid. Journalist at El Periódico de Catalunya newspaper and at specialised press websites.
  • Swen SeebachPhD in Digital Humanities. Specialist in multimedia journalism, electronic communication and new media. He has worked as a teacher in Germany and Spain and has experience in press offices.
  • Alfonso FreireDirector of studies: Degree in Advertising and Public Relations. 
  • Adriana MutuPhD in Political Science. Specialist in media system analysis and media regulation
  • Juan Francisco Jiménez Jacinto . PhD candidate in Specialised Communication, Innovation and Technologies. Master’s in Construction and Representation of Digital Identities (UB). Journalist and lecturer of Technological Innovations in Journalism

Collaborating lecturers

  • Jorge MartínezPhD in Philosophy. Specialised in communication, Social Imaginaries, Series, Personal Identity, Philosophical Narrativism and Sociology of Postmodernity.
  • Manel DominguezDegree in Information Sciences (UAB). Master’s in Technology, Marketing and Business. Technological Training Program (MIT). Founding partner of Singular Emotion and president of Ubiquity Barcelona. 
  • Vanesa BerlangaPhD in Psychopedagogy. Specialist in statistics and research methodology 
  • Santiago TejedorPhD in Journalism Professor and journalist specialising in travel, transmedia narrative and digital tools. 
  • David AndreuPhD in Communication. Lecturer in technology and communication. Marketing manager at Mailshaker.com and Anxanet.
  • Franciele Corti PhD in Education and Society and Degree in Mathematics. Specialist in statistics; research methodologies; educational technology; academic and labour transitions.  
  • Joaquim Marqués. PhD in Communication and lecturer. 
  • Xavi Salla García. Doctorate in Communication and Doctorate in Law. Director of the ICEX-CAT Foundation and co-creator of the official Higher Training Cycle “Virtual worlds, augmented reality and gamification”.
  • Carles Lamelo. Radio journalist at Onda Cero, researcher at Transmedia Television, political discourse and Communication 2.0.
  • Antonio Martínez MunienteDegree in Journalism. He is director of communications at Silence. He has been general manager of the Alesport Group. He is a lecturer in Information Enterprises. 
  • Montserrat BlancoDegree in Communication Sciences. Director of Advertising and Corporate Image at the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation.
  • Estefanía Cortés Degree in Advertising and Public Relations. She is a lecturer in CRM. She is Brand & CRM manager at La Caixa Banking Foundation.





Students who obtain the official title "official master's degree in Digital Communication and New Technologies from the Abat Oliba CEU University" can pursue careers in the following areas:

  • Digital Marketing Management
  • Communication Management
  • Mass Media Management
  • Community Management and Community Recording
  • Consultancy in designing Communication, Journalism and Digital Marketing Innovation strategies
  • SEM, SEO or SMM Management
  • Social Media Management
  • Public Relations Management
  • Consultant in Political Cabinet
  • Innovation and Development Management
  • Institutional Relations Management
  • CSO (Chief Sustainability Officer)
  • CRO (Chief Compliance Officer)
  • CTI (Technology Management)
  • CDO (Chief Data Officer). Statistical training, digital analyst, qualitative digital environments. Big Data
  • Innovation Consultancy Director
  • Client vision Consultant
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship Director
  • Business Development Manager
  • Innovation Product Strategy Manager
  • Network Digital Marketing
  • Talent Development Manager
  • Manager in a Public Administration Communication Unit
  • Business Communication Consultant
  • Specialist Journalist


The Abat Oliba CEU University has a close relationship with a great number of Digital Communication and Technology service providers, who recognise the excellence of the official master's degree in Digital Communication and New Technologies and which directly benefit from the graduates of this master.


Fees and scholarships


€ 7.455*

*Price for the 2025-26 academic year

Tuition fees correspond, solely and exclusively, to the provision of teaching as part of the programme enrolled on, and this is the only service offered in exchange for the payment of those fees. By enrolling, the student accepts that decisions made by the competent authorities may, directly or indirectly, render it necessary to carry out teaching, tutoring, work placements or assessment tests either in person or via distance learning.

The student accepts that they remain obliged to pay any such fees in full even if, for reasons beyond the control of the University, some of the educational activities included in the degree cannot be carried out as initially provided for in the course guides at the beginning of the academic year. If restrictions are part in place, the University will provide the student with a guarantee that the activity will be rescheduled when possible, taking into consideration the interests of the student and any other applicable academic criteria.


Once you have formalised reservation of your place, the remaining amount can be paid in the following ways:


One-time payment

A one-off payment entitles you to a discount of 3% of the tuition fees.

Payment by instalments

In 3 instalments per year.

Monthly payments

10 instalments with special 0% interest financing with CaixaBank. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

Other financing agreements

With Banco Santander, CaixaBank, BBVA and Banc Sabadell. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.


Students have until 21 June to cancel their reserved place. This way, you can book your place now and be free to cancel if your circumstances change*
*Deadline for cancelling subject to changes in the official enrolment calendar


Master’s and Postgraduate Department
Bellesguard, 30. 08022 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 253 72 03
[email protected]

Quality and regulations


Students wishing to apply for the official master’s degree in Digital Communication and New Technologies must have a Spanish degree or advanced course (general degree, degree or honours degree) or a foreign degree (equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree in the Anglo-Saxon system).

This profile includes:

  • Graduates of Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, and Advertising and Public Relations
  • Engineers of technological fields and telecommunications
  • Graduates of studies in which the impact of New Technologies is essential
  • Professionals affected by New Technologies

This master’s degree does not require any previous experience in the field of digital communications and new technologies.


The subjects of this official master’s degree in Digital Communication and New Technologies respond to the need to prepare the students with an integrated and systematized training for the techniques used in the field of digital marketing and communication.

With this master’s degree, the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU wants to offer an avant-garde training relating to digital communication, as well as the methodological abilities to run a company, digital communication media or to become a creator of digital contents, a consultant or a specialist in this matter, including general-interest media with digital presence.

In this sense, the programme is developed from a theoretical-practical perspective to provide the resources and multimedia knowledge for students, in order to face the challenge the growing digital environment.

Innovation Lab

Agenda and News