Condiciones generales del uso de la Web.
1.- Sírvase leer atentamente estas condiciones antes de proceder a la lectura de la página web de la FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA UNIVERSITAT ABAT OLIBA -CEU, en adelante ABAT OLIBA.
Additional Data Protection Information (Request for Information)
In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of 27 April 2016, relating to the protection of individuals when it comes to processing their personal data and the free circulation of such data and which repealed Directive 95/46/CE, we would advise you that your data will be processed at the liability of Fundació Privada Universitat Abat Oliba CEU (hereinafter, FUAO-CEU), for the purposes of answering your request for information, and keep you informed about initiatives and events which may be of interest to you educationally or which help us to understand your educational needs better. Furthermore, we advise you that it is planned to draw up profiles on the basis of the data provided by the user by any means, including WhatsApp or any other instant messaging app if used, profiles can also be created through your public digital fingerprint on Internet, for the purpose of finding out which products or services would suit you best, as well as the best way of communicating them to you, depending on the preferences or habits shown, and which are offered by our foundation or bodies associated with it (*).
FUAO-CEU advises your that the processing indicated is legitimised by the consent of the parties concerned, or, as appropriate, of their legal representatives.
Moreover, FUAO-CEU advises you that the personal data contained in this request will be stored for as long as you do not request their suppression.
By signing the application you expressly consent to the communication of your personal data by FUAO-CEU to Foundations, Institutions and Centres, which come under or are associated with CEU (*) for the purposes of management and also in order to keep you informed about activities and projects being carried out. We would advise you that there is no plan to transfer data internationally.
Furthermore you are advised that you can contact the FUAO-CEU Data Protection Manager by addressing your request in writing to the postal address C/ Tutor No 35 - 28008 Madrid or to the e-mail address [email protected].
In accordance with the rights granted to you under current data protection legislation you may address the relevant Supervisory Authority to submit any claim you consider to be appropriate, and also exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation on processing, suppression, portability and objection to the processing of your personal data. You may also request withdrawal of the consent given for them to be processed by addressing your request to Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, address C/ Bellesguard, 30 08022 Barcelona, or e-mail [email protected].
*CEU Institutions, dependent facilities and Foundations: Fundación Universitaria San Pablo-CEU, Fundación San Pablo Andalucía, Fundación San Pablo Castilla y León, Fundación San Pablo Sanchinarro, Fundación Abat Oliba, Fundación San Pablo for Study Grants, Colegio Mayor Universitario de San Pablo, Fundación Cultural Ángel Herrera Oria and the Catholic Propagandists Association (Asociación Católica de Propagandistas).