🎓 Official master’s degree in Logistics and International Trade  | [current-page:pager]UAO CEU

Official Master's Degree in Logistics and International Trade
Course title

Official Master's Degree in Logistics and International Trade

Academic area

Business and Economics

Duration / Credits

10 months

Official Quality Certification - AQU

Places / Format 

30 / Blended



Student profile 

Graduates of Administration and Business Management, Economics, Marketing and Commercial Management, Marketing and Market Investigation, and Business Sciences. Engineers. Graduates in Transport and Logistics Sciences.

Admissions and enrolment

Application via website, submission of documentation and formalisation of admission at the University.

For more information

Calendar and timetables

from October to July Fridays from 5 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Academic Calendar

Official Master's Degree in Logistics and International Trade

Why study at UAO CEU?

1. Become a professional

This Official Master's Degree in Logistics and International Trade aims to support our students both academically and professionally in achieving the knowledge they need to internationalise businesses, with a focus on import-export activities and logistics and transport operations, and the rational, scientific criteria such activities require in decision making.

As a specialisation in the field of business management, this master's degree is aimed at international trade and business, as well as the logistics and transport operations involved in international trade. Students will see how important this market is as well as a global vision of the flows of material and information in imports and exports.

2. Employability 

100% of our students find employment at the end of their studies (AQU 2023 labour market insertion survey).

3. Complementary training
  • European Port Experience: programme of advanced studies in management and business related to ports. 
  • Course IATA DGR Cat. 3: This course is taught as part of the master’s programme and deals with regulations for the transport of dangerous goods by air.
  • The master's also includes around ten group visits to companies and institutions in order to enable students to acquire a practical perspective on the various modules that make up the training programme.
4. European Port Experience

The European Port Experience is an advanced study programme offering advanced knowledge in port management and businesses. It consists of a four-day study trip to the ports of Rotterdam (9th largest port in the world and 1st largest in Europe in terms of operations) and Hamburg (the largest port in Germany) for advanced training taught by specialist industry managers. The programme is completed with a subsequent visit to Barcelona Port (the largest Mediterranean port for tourist business). The programme is offered through classes within the port facilities themselves, and includes a visit around the installations and an explanation of the operations relating to transfers as well as accommodations for the students.

The programme syllabus covers the following content:

- Maritime Economics
- Ship & Port Automation
- Integration of Technologies & Systems
- Data & Connectivity: RFIT, IoT and Containerization
- Big Data, Cybersecurity, Movement of Goods & People
- Industry 4.0

The European Port Experience is an academic activity included as part of this official master's degree, and is accredited with a specialisation diploma.

5. Transformative Competences Training Programme

Training programme, specifically focused on developing leadership competence. Through a combination of practical exercises, self-assessments and feedback with fellow UAO CEU postgraduate students, you will develop a broad vision of your own leadership style.

6. Professional development

Internships at leading companies in the field of logistics. We also offer a national and international job’s board with more than 2,300 collaborating companies with work placements in over 20 countries.

7. Teaching staff

Our teaching staff comprises experts with extensive professional experience in the fields of international logistics, transport and business, with a global view of the modern-day business reality.

8. An international approach

Our students acquire the linguistic and cultural knowledge they need to work anywhere in the world.

9. Language

This master’s can be taken in either English or Spanish, depending on your preference. 

10. Financial Support

This master's programme meets the requirements to be subsidised through Fundació Tripartita.

11. Employability

The average employment rate for those who have completed postgraduate studies with Abat Oliba CEU is 95%.

12. Information resources

The Library Service is designed to support study and research with the primary objective of meeting students’ educational and scientific needs. It has ample opening hours, even on weekends, with the best IT facilities.

UAO CEU also offers a large digital repository containing open-access publications derived from the teaching, research and institutional activities carried out by the university’s teaching staff, students and alumni.


Additional activities:

  • European Port Experience. Programme of advanced studies in management and business related to ports. It comprises a four-day study trip to the port of Rotterdam, one of the most important in the world; as well as trips to Hamburg and Barcelona, ranked among the most important in Europe.
  • Course IATA DGR Cat. 3. This course is taught as part of the master’s programme and deals with regulations for the transport of dangerous goods by air.
  • Leadership Essentials course: This course empowers students to take on leadership in organisations, using the methodology of the Center for Creative Leadership (North Carolina, USA).
  • Students may also choose to benefit from a customised programme of supplementary training programmes in the afternoons, from Monday to Thursday (the additional cost of these training programmes will be calculated depending on the specific needs of each student).
  • The master's also includes around ten group visits to companies and institutions in order to enable students to acquire a practical perspective on the various modules that make up the training programme.


Teaching staff


Classes in the Official Master’s Degree in Logistics and International Trade are taught by prestigious experts with proven teaching or professional experience, and they have been chosen for their recognised prestige and specialisation in the field of logistics.

Academic Management

Iván Roa Perera. Industrial engineer with a PhD in Project and Systems Engineering from UPC. Director of International Expansion of the ICIL Foundation.

[email protected]


Óscar José Franco Cedrún. Industrial Technical Engineer with a Master’s in Business Administration from UPC. Professional with extensive experience in senior management in logistics and automotive companies.


Student administration

Mª Rosa Maluenda Gelabert. Degree in Business Administration and Management from UAO CEU.

[email protected]

Teaching staff

  • Eleuteri Acosta Martínez. PhD in Law from the University of Barcelona. Master’s Degree in International Marketing from the Institute of Higher Marketing and Business Studies. PhD in Business Administration (DBA) IESME from Maastricht University.
  • Jaume Adrover Rigo. Degree in Business Studies from the University of Manchester and MBA from ESADE Business School. General Manager of Gestió i Promoció Aeroportuària, S.A. (Barcelona Chamber of Commerce Group). 
  • Aitor Agea. Air Safety Instructor certification from UNED. Chairman of the Logistics and Dangerous Goods Safety working group of Barcelona Centre Logístic, Vice-chairman of the National Association of Air Safety Instructors ANISA. 
  • Vanesa Berlanga. PhD in Statistics from UB. Master's degree in teacher training for Secondary and Baccalaureate students from URL. Doctoral research methodologist at UAO CEU. 
  • Felipe Botaya. PhD in Business Administration and Marketing Management from ESADE and B.S.B.A., University of South Carolina, USA.
  • Joaquim Deulofeu. PhD in Economics and Business Sciences from UB. Associate professor in accounting at Abat Oliba CEU University.
  • Antonio de la Ossa Martínez. Degree in Law from the University of Murcia. State Finance Inspector (specialising in customs). He was Regional Head of Customs for Catalonia until 2011.
  • Josep Lluís del Olmo Arriaga. Degree in Communication Sciences (Advertising and PR) from UAB. PhD in Marketing and Market Research from Abat Oliba CEU University. 
  • Eduard Duran Pla. Graduate in Nautical and Maritime Transport from the UPC. Master's in Logistics from ICT-UPC. General Manager of Portcement S.A.
  • Santiago Gómez. Degree in Computer Engineering from Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Project Manager and Partner of the company Solport Sistemas.
  • Miguel Justribó. Degree in Law from UAM. Master’s in Marketing and Commercial Management VP Brand & Communications at Telepizza. 
  • Francisco J. Malavert. Degree in Operations Management by ESADE, Master's in Supply Chain Management from ICIL and Executive MBA from ICIL.
  • Miguel Ángel Medina. PhD in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Cambridge, Master’s in European Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges.
  • Pablo Muñoz. Degree in Political Science and Sociology. Specialisation in Industrial Sociology. PhD from Abat Oliba CEU University Quality and services auditor for the CEU group.
  • Carmen Parra. Degree in Law and PhD in Private International Law from the University of Granada. Director of the Chair of the Solidarity Economy at Abat Oliba CEU University.
  • Ramón Pau. Degree in Business Sciences from UB. He was Director of Foreign Trade at Banco de Sabadell and CaixaBank. 
  • Xavier Rius. Degree in Physics from University of Barcelona. President of the Executive Committee of the ICIL Foundation.
  • Rosa Romero Serrano. Degree in Law from UB. Lawyer specialising in transport both in legal issues and in consulting and training.
  • Carmen Ruiz. PhD in Economics and Business from UPF. Master’s in Public Management from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Professor in the Business department at Abat Oliba CEU University. 
  • Sven Seebach. Degree in Political Science from the University of Leipzig. PhD in Contemporary Sociology from UOC. Head of the International Office of UAO CEU.
  • Pedro Talavera. PhD in Physics from the University of Barcelona.
  • Jordi Vila. Biologist and Master’s in Engineering and Environmental Management. Head of Environment of the Port Authority of Barcelona.




Career opportunities


Upon completion of the Official Master’s in Logistics and International Trade at Abat Oliba CEU University, apply students will be able to pursue a career in the following fields:

  • Direction and Management of International Transport Operations
  • International Logistics Operator Management (Supply Chain Management)
  • Manager of freight forwarding companies
  • Manager of International Logistics
  • Import-Export Manager
  • Head of International Expansion
  • Business consulting 
  • Market analyst


Abat Oliba CEU University has a close relationship with a large number of collaborators who recognise the excellence of the official master's degree in Logistics and International Trade, and who regularly seek out our graduates in the field. These organisations include:



Fees and scholarships


€ 7.995*

*Price for the 2025-26 academic year

Tuition fees correspond, solely and exclusively, to the provision of teaching as part of the programme enrolled on, and this is the only service offered in exchange for the payment of those fees. By enrolling, the student accepts that decisions made by the competent authorities may, directly or indirectly, render it necessary to carry out teaching, tutoring, work placements or assessment tests either in person or via distance learning.

The student accepts that they remain obliged to pay any such fees in full even if, for reasons beyond the control of the University, some of the educational activities included in the degree cannot be carried out as initially provided for in the course guides at the beginning of the academic year. If restrictions are part in place, the University will provide the student with a guarantee that the activity will be rescheduled when possible, taking into consideration the interests of the student and any other applicable academic criteria.


Once you have formalised reservation of your place, the remaining amount can be paid in the following ways:

One-time payment

A one-off payment entitles you to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

Payment by instalments

3 instalments per year.

Monthly payments

10 instalments with special 0% interest financing with CaixaBank. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

Other financing agreements

With Banco Santander, CaixaBank, BBVA and Banc Sabadell. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

Cancel your place after reserving

Cancelling your place after reservation: Students have until 21 June to cancel their reserved place. This way, you can book your place now and be free to cancel if your circumstances change*
*Deadline for cancelling subject to changes in the official enrolment calendar


Postgraduate and Further University Studies
Bellesguard 30. 08022 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 253 72 03
[email protected]

Quality and regulation


Those applying to take the Official Master’s in Logistics and International Trade must hold either a higher university degree title from Spain (diplomatura, licenciatura or ingeniería superior) or a foreign degree (equivalent to a bachelor’s degreein the Anglo-Saxon system).

This profile includes:

  • Graduates of Administration and Business Management, Economics, Marketing and Commercial Management, Marketing and Market Investigation, Business Sciences, Transport Sciences and Logistics.
  • Engineers from any field of specialty
  • Graduates or similar in other academic fields with accredited work experience in the fields of Trade and Logistics

Previous experience in the field of logistics and international trade is not required for this programme.


The main goal of the official master’s degree in Logistics and International Trade is to train professional experts in logistics, transport and international commerce, so that they are capable of leading the management of supply chains and their logistics, as well as optimising the use of transports minimising deadlines, costs and the environmental impact, and leading projects of business internationalisation.

Other specific learning objectives include:

  • Identifying the international supply chains at the global, continental and regional level.
  • Enabling graduates to control, manage and direct logistics chains and their integrated processes and sub-processes, as well as the associated transport operations.
  • Mastering the processes of negotiation and procurement of transport and logistics, meeting the expected criteria of profitability.
  • Knowing the technical and operational aspects of each mode of transport and its operators at the global, continental, regional and local level.
  • Learning the functionalities and characteristics of the support infrastructures used in transport and logistics, as well as the main logistics/port hubs.
  • Knowing and understanding new international markets and the flows of goods they generate, as well as detecting business opportunities in any field of business activity.
  • Gaining the ability to design, develop and implement projects to internationalise companies.
  • Analysing “country risk” and security in supply chains as part of the establishment of new international businesses.
  • all the elements involved in international traffic, import and export operations and the documentation that accompanies and certifies these processes.
  • Applying Corporate Social Responsibility in all activities, including those run by the company and those of our suppliers and clients.

In short, the subjects that make up this Official Master’s Degree in Logistics and International Trade are aimed at helping students acquire a comprehensive education in the techniques they will need to use in the field of logistics.



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