🎓 Degree in Law and International Law Certificate | Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

The degree in Law + International European Law from the Abat Oliba CEU University prepares our students to practice Law in an international environment.

Degree in Law + International Law Certificate
Course title

Degree in Law + International Law Certificate

Academic field

Law and Political Science


4 years


270 ECTS


Boston University



Student profile

Students must be interested in organizational systems within society, the inner workings and planning within political communities and the principles and norms that underpin personal and social relationships.

Admission and enrolment

Applications for admission must be submitted through the Admission Portal. Candidates will be assessed based on their academic record and the admissions tests taken.

Preferential admission will be granted to candidates who meet the academic entry requirements and who best fulfil the selection criteria.

Calendar and timetables

Academic Calendar

Degree in Law timetable
International Law Program timetable

Training lawyers since 1973

We are the most experienced private university for teaching law in Catalonia.


1. International Law Programme

The International Law programme is a qualification from the University that is awarded alongside the Degree in Law. The programme is designed to provide knowledge, competencies and skills in international law.

2. Leadership and Employability: Design YOUR Future

New Design YOUR Future Employability Acceleration Program for students of all Bachelor's Degrees at CEU universities, aiming to improve employability and facilitate integration into the professional world by reducing the time from the first work experience. Developed by the Employability Commission of the CEU Employability Advisory Council and designed by future employers, it focuses on understanding the labour market and how companies work.

3. Methodology

Students of the International Law Programme take modules from the Degree in Law, alongside one or two modules on international and EU litigation every semester as well as a foreign language (English, French or German). Furthermore, students undertake a summer internship in law firms or international institutions.

A practical, personalised educational model that sees students study cases, resolve cases with law firms and attend real cases at the Provincial Court. As well as other activities such as:

  • Practical seminars on maritime law
  • Workshops on rhetoric and legal debates
  • Legal behaviour and negotiation role plays
  • The Debating Society
  • The Jurist's Club
4. San Pablo CEU University Institute of European Studies

The programme is taught in collaboration with the Institute of European Studies at San Pablo CEU University, a research centre specialising in European integration and other aspects of international relations. Founded in November, 1999, the Institute of European Studies was designated a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence by the European Commission.

5. Legal Tech

Students in their fourth year of Law are trained in the application of new technologies to law through the Wolters Kluwer Certifica programme. Students enrich their education by building their legal and technological capabilities regarding management, public speaking and networking.

6. CEU ePlus skills programme

A teaching model based on practical, personalised education that links theory to professional practice through case studies and real experiences, workshops and practical seminars.

It includes visits to national and international companies and production centres through internships.

7. Progressive International Development

A new plan that encourages students to think internationally from their first year to their fourth.

1: Students will get experience interacting and researching online with other European universities.
2: We explore the meaning and the effects of international politics and law through short trips to Brussels (EU) and Geneva
3: We prepare students for the international law environment through conferences with MEPs and international experts.
4: We widen students' horizons through the Erasmus programme or through semester-long stays in our partner universities in the United States, Mexico and the Netherlands.

8. Complete programme

The subsequent Official Master's in Legal Profession, with its professional focus, gives students extra training that is required by law.

  • Professional Guidance Service
  • Internship and jobs service
  • Field of entrepreneurship
  • Field of innovation
  • Relationship with the business
9. Research

The Gift & Task Foundation on Bioethics and Law.


International Law Program

Careers and internships


Students who follow the International Law Programme will be especially prepared to practise law in a European or international environment, with the knowledge and skills needed to work in EU institutions. Students can pursue their careers in the following areas:

  • Independent Law Practice and Public Prosecution
  • Legal advisor to businesses and banks
  • State administrative bodies (state legal service, civil administration, judiciary, legal advice, state council, legal military bodies, notaries, land registration, etc.)
  • Local and regional administrative bodies
  • Administrative bodies of regional and international institutions
  • Administrative management of companies (employment, financial management, commercial, etc.)
  • Diplomatic career and international civil service
  • Social and political advisory for political parties and political and social associations
  • Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)


In the final year of the degree, students will do an obligatory placement year, or internship, in businesses, offices or institutions in the student's preferred industry. These practical training programmes, included in the course structure, allow students to apply and enhance what they've learned in the course while acquiring the professional skills that will make their future transition to the workplace much easier.

The work that each student will undertake during the programme will be mutually agreed between the tutor in the business and the Work Placement and Employment Service coordinator in charge of the internship.

Furthermore, students have an academic tutor who provides follow-up and evaluation of the internship to get the most possible out of the placement.

For more information, visit the Work Placement and Employment Service.

  • List of companies

International outlook 




universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Universidad Católica de Argentina 4* AR UCA Spanish
Universidad Católica de la Plata 1* AR UCALP Spanish
Universidad Fasta 2* AR UFASTA Spanish


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
EPHEC (École Pratique des Hautes Études Commerciales) 4 B BRUXEL82 French B2/English B2


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Universidad Finnies Terae- Santiago 2* CL FINNIS Spanish
Universidad San Sebastian 2* CL USS Spanish
Universidad de Santo Tomás 2* CL UST Spanish
Universidad del Desarrollo 2* CL UDD Spanish


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Seccional Cali 2* CO JAVE Spanish


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen) 4 D FRIEDRI01 English B2/German B2


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Université de Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens) 1 F AMIENS01 French B1
Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV  4 F  BORDEAU58 French: B1
ICES. Institut Catholique d'Etudes Supérieures  4 F  LAROCHE01 French B1, English  B1
UPEC. Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne  2 F  PARIS012 English B1, French B1
Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP) 6 F PARIS052 French B1, English B2


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Maynooth University 12* IRL MAYNOOT01 English B2


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Università degli Studi di Ferrara 1 I FERRARA01 Italian A2
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore 6 I MILANO03 Italian B1/English TOEFL 79/IELTS 6.0
Università Suor Orsola Benincasa 3 I NAPOLI04 Italian B1
University of Padova 2 I PADOVA01 Italian B2, English B2
Libera Università Maria Assunta LUMSA 10 I ROMA04 Italian B1/English B1
Università degli Studi di Siena 2 I SIENA01 Italian A2/English B1


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Reichman University 2* IS HERZ01


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Universidad Anáhuac México 2* MX UAMN Spanish/TOEFL 89 o IELTS 7.0
Universidad Panamericana 2* MX UP Spanish
Universidad Iberoamericana 2* MX IBERO Spanish
Universidad del Valle de Atemajac 2* MX UNIVA Spanish


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Radboud Universiteit (Nijmegen) 3 NL NIMEGE01 English B2
Tilburg University 2 NL TILBURG 01 English B2


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Universidad de Lima 2* PE LIMA Spanish
Universidad de Piura 2* PE UDEP Spanish
Universidad Católica San Pablo (Arequipa) 2* PE UCSP Spanish


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias 3 P LISBOA52 Portugese B2/English B2


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin 6 PL LUBLIN02 Polish B1/English B2
Nicolaus Copernicus University 1* PL TORUN01 English B1


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Liverpool John Moore University 10* UK LIVERPO02 English B2


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Universidad Católica de Uruguay 2* URY UCU Spanish
*: Places are split between different courses.

Fees and funding


€ 11,841*

*Price for the 2025-26 academic year

Tuition fees correspond, solely and exclusively, to the provision of teaching as part of the programme enrolled on, and this is the only service offered in exchange for the payment of those fees. By enrolling, the student accepts that decisions made by the competent authorities may, directly or indirectly, render it necessary to carry out teaching, tutoring, work placements or assessment tests either in person or via distance learning.

The student accepts that they remain obliged to pay any such fees in full even if, for reasons beyond the control of the University, some of the educational activities included in the degree cannot be carried out as initially provided for in the course guides at the beginning of the academic year. If restrictions are part in place, the University will provide the student with a guarantee that the activity will be rescheduled when possible, taking into consideration the interests of the student and any other applicable academic criteria.



Once you've been accepted on the course, you can reserve your place at Abat Oliba CEU University, which guarantees you a place on the course, before you pass the “selectivity” university entrance exam* or other entry requirements. You can do this by making a payment of €1500 (which will be deducted from the total price of the course).

*Reservation of your place will be effective exclusively for the ordinary examination period (June) of the Baccalaureate University Entrance exam. Candidates who do not pass the Baccalaureate University Entrance exam or other access requirements for similar studies in the ordinary period (June), and have paid the Place Reservation Fee, will have priority in the September enrolment if the University has places available in the degree course requested.

Cancelling your place after reservation: students have until 21 June to cancel their reserved place. This means you can book now and cancel if your circumstances change later on.**

**Deadline subject to changes in the official registration calendar


Once you have formalised reservation of your place, the remaining amount can be paid in the following ways:

  • One-off payment

    A one-off payment entitles you to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

  • Payment by instalments

    5 instalments per year.


  • Monthly payments

    10 instalments with special 0% interest financing from CaixaBank. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

  • new special financing

    New financing agreements with banks with special conditions.

    - Banc Sabadell

    - CaixaBank

    - Banco Santander

    All options entitle prospective students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.


Please contact the Information Service to arrange personalised economic plans.

Tel. +34 932 53 72 00
[email protected]

Quality and regulation 


Students must be interested in organisational systems within society, the inner workings and planning within political communities and the principles and norms that underpin personal and social relationships. They should demonstrate an interest in learning about the historical, philosophical and dogmatic essentials of legal systems and a desire to implement legal ideals in their purest form.

They should also be able to analyse and understand social phenomena, identify them and put forward solutions. Furthermore, they must be able to analyse, synthesise and work in a team, understand and abstract ideas, express ideas clearly, be amicable, broaden their world view and have a perspective on their own possible evolution. Knowledge of another language (preferably English) is desired and required, as is a flair for communication.



  • To be equipped with refined legal language - a solid understanding of legal dogma and interpretation.
  • To be equipped with a full understanding of the Spanish legal code and the origins of the environment it applies to and where it was established.
  • To develop the abilities and skills needed to apply the Spanish legal system and be prepared to carry out public and private roles – trials, consulting, defence, prosecution, mediation or equivalent – of a law graduate.
  • To be able to evaluate, criticise, discuss, build on and present legal ideas based on an understanding of social, economic, international and other contexts.
  • To become an impartial, responsible and diligent jurist who understands the commitment involved in performing tasks that are so crucial for the common and individual good.





Agenda and News