🎓 Doble grado en Dirección de Empresas + Inteligencia de negocios (Business intelligence) - Bilingual | Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

Doble grado en Dirección de Empresas + Inteligencia de negocios (Business intelligence) - Bilingual | Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

Double Degree in Business Management + Business Intelligence - bilingual

Double Degree in Business Management + Business Intelligence - bilingual


345 ECTS


4.5 YEARS 


Business and Economics



International programs 

Boston University & University of California, Santa Barbara

Student profile

Students should have an interest in aspects related to economics, the operation of the company and its management.

Admissions and enrolment

Applications for admission must be submitted through the Admission Portal. Candidates will be assessed based on their academic record and the admissions tests taken.

Preferential admission will be granted to candidates who meet the academic entry requirements and who best fulfil the selection criteria.

calendar and timetable

Academic Calendar

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Double Degree in Business Management + Business Intelligence - Bilingual

New double degree

Why study at the UAO CEU?

1. Why study the bilingual Double Degree in Business Management + Business Intelligence?

Globalization and information technologies have transformed the way in which companies do business, simplifying routine, repetitive tasks, but above all helping in the decision-making process, be it decisions related to marketing and logistics, be it decisions about the launch of new products and customer loyalty, be it in areas where numerical aspects were not so important, such as the organization of human resources.

Consequently, understanding and knowing how to analyse data has become a profession of the present and the future. As a result, companies are increasingly demanding professional profiles with strong analytical skills and familiarity with data analysis techniques.

It is therefore essential to have specialists in data-driven decision making, i.e. a professional profile is needed that combines the most technical part of the data study, which begins with data collection and which, after the analysis process, culminates in the formulation of forward-looking business strategies based on this information.

The University, as guarantor of the transmission of knowledge at a higher level, cannot be left out of this dynamic and must actively participate in this change towards a "Data Economy" by promoting the creation of interdisciplinary studies that offer knowledge of business and data processing. This transversality is precisely what Business Intelligence (BI) offers, a discipline that focuses on the use of analytical technologies and processes to transform data into useful information for business decision making. However, these needs in terms of degree offerings are not well covered in the Catalan university system.

That's why at the UAO CEU we offer the UAO Degree in Business Intelligence, whose program combines business management knowledge with business data analysis and prepares future students for the new needs demanded by a highly dynamic, globalized job market.

2. Leadership and Employability: Design YOUR Future

New Design YOUR Future Employability Acceleration Program for students of all Bachelor's Degrees at CEU universities, aiming to improve employability and facilitate integration into the professional world by reducing the time from the first work experience. Developed by the Employability Commission of the CEU Employability Advisory Council and designed by future employers, it focuses on understanding the labour market and how companies work.

3. International Programs

Understanding and knowing how to analyse data has become a profession of the future. That's why companies are increasingly demanding professional profiles with strong analytical skills and familiarity with data analysis techniques. Agreements with Boston University & University of California, Santa Barbara. 

4. Learning by doing

The Double Degree in Business Management + Business Intelligence includes a total of nine possible training activities: Lecture (TA1), Workshop (TA2), Case Study (TA3), Tutorial (TA4), Seminar (TA5), Document and Audiovisual Content (TA6), Group Work (TA7), Independent Work (TA8) and External Internships (TA9).

These training activities are developed based on 4 teaching methods (TM):

TM1. Explanatory method. This method prioritizes the teaching activity of the lecturer, developing the study subject in the classroom through the teacher's lectures and use of supporting teaching materials. Students must prepare the subject beforehand by following the reading material provided by the teacher or the material available on the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra (BBCU) platform so as to make the most of the classroom lecture. Afterwards, they must also expand on the subject with the instructions provided in the classroom or online.

TM2. Study and resolution of practical cases. This method prioritizes the student's analytical and inductive action through the examination and resolution of real or simulated unique cases in a way that connects theory with practice. Students should contribute their ideas and possible solutions. This method allows students to be assessed differently to the development of the theoretical content. This assessment method is recommended in those subjects that include practical teaching. Solving cases in the classroom encourages students to participate through discussion and putting forward their own points of view.

TM3. Problem-based learning. Using this method, each teacher prepares a series of possible problems that are observable events or phenomena in the field of business management and business intelligence described in simple, non-technical language that should be solved in a group. The problem is only a means apply to the contents worked on and to reach certain objectives. The task of the group of students is to discuss these problems and reach plausible explanations, describing them in terms of relevant processes, principles and mechanisms with the support of the teacher who will guide the learning process.

TM4. Synthesis work. This method prioritizes the synthesis action of students through the execution of theoretical or practical research on subjects related to business intelligence and its application to business management.

5. Aula Emprende Program

The UAO CEU is committed to the development of the entrepreneurial spirit in all business studies through numerous initiatives, among which the following stand out:

  • Entrepreneurial Woman Workshop
  • Family Business and Entrepreneurship Meetings
  • Experiential Entrepreneurship Days
6. Progressive International Development

International experience itinerary that encourages students to internationalize from their first year to their fourth.

1. We provide a preliminary international experience with a short trip to one of our partner universities in Europe and enable students to interact at events such as the BCN Thinking Challenge. 2. We prepare students for cross-cultural economic challenges in collaboration with European universities. 3. We broaden students' horizons through the Erasmus program or through semester-long stays at one of our partner universities in Europe or the Americas (New York, Boston, Toronto, Santiago, Dublin, Mexico, Florida…).

7. Research

Chairs and Research Groups: 

- Chair in Solidarity Economy
- Chair in Family Business and Business Creation
- Research Group on Employability, Youth and Social Exclusion (EJES) 
- Research Group on Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Business Competitiveness (GREECE)


Career Opportunities and Internships 


Career opportunities for graduates in Business Management and Business Intelligence include:

  • Specialized Consultancy (strategic / change management / systems / business)

  • Data Analyst

  • Marketing and Sales Management

  • Business Intelligence Project Manager

  • International Financial Analyst

  • Asset Management and Private Banking

  • Internal and External Auditing

  • Market Research

  • Internationalization Management

  • Operations Management

  • Management Control

  • Data Mining Specialist

  • Business Intelligence Tools Specialist



During the final year of their degrees, students carry out compulsory internships in companies, offices or institutions in the student's area of choice. These practical training programs, included in the curricula, allow students to apply and complement the knowledge acquired during their academic training, favouring the acquisition of professional skills that facilitate their future work placement. The activities the students are to carry out during the program will be defined by mutual agreement between the company tutor and the coordinator of the Internship and Employment Service in charge of the practicum.

Students will also have an academic tutor who will monitor and evaluate the internship to ensure that students get the most out of their stay. For more information, contact the Internship and Employment Service.

  • List of companies
  • Information and contact




*: Places are distributed among different degrees.

Prices and grants



*Price current for the 2025-26 academic year

Price corresponding to the current credit distribution for the double degree in the 1st year, subject to possible modifications in credit distribution.

The academic fees correspond solely and exclusively to the provision of the teaching service in the degree course for which the student is enrolled, this being the only service corresponding to the payment of those fees. By formalizing their enrolment, the student consents and accepts that the teaching, tutorials, internships and evaluation tests may be in person or remote (when the competent authorities so deem, either directly or indirectly).

The obligation to pay in full the aforementioned fees will remain even in the event that, for reasons beyond the University's control, some of the training activities covered by the degree cannot be carried out according to the teaching schedule planned at the beginning of the academic year. Should this occur, the University will guarantee the student that said activity will be rescheduled when possible, taking into account the interest of the students and other applicable academic criteria.


Once your admission has been approved, you can reserve your place at the Abat Oliba CEU University, which guarantees a place at the UAO CEU while you wait to pass the EVAU* or other entrance requirements, by paying a deposit of €1500 (to be deducted from the total price of the course).

*The reservation of the place will be effective exclusively for the ordinary call (June) of the Baccalaureate University Entrance Evaluation. Candidates who have not passed the Baccalaureate University Entrance Evaluation or other entrance requirements for similar studies in the ordinary call (June) but have paid the deposit will be prioritized in the September enrolment if the University has places available in the degree course requested.

Cancelling your reservation: you will have until June 21 to cancel your reservation if necessary. In this way, you can reserve your place now with full guarantees**

**Deadline subject to changes in the official enrolment calendar


Once the reservation of your place has been formalized, you can pay the remaining amount of your course fees in the following ways:

  • single payment

    If you make a single payment, you will enjoy a 3% discount on your course fees.

  • installments

    You can pay your course fees in 5 installments per year.


  • monthly payments

    In 10 installments through special bank financing with CaixaBank at 0% interest. If you pay this way, you will also enjoy a 3% discount on your course fees.


Contact the Information Service if you would like us to create your personalized financial plan.
Tel. +34 932 53 72 00
[email protected]

Quality and standards 


The admissions profile for the Double Degree in Business Management + Business Intelligence - bilingual corresponds to a person who possesses a combination of technical, analytical and business skills.
In particular, the potential student should have strong analytical skills, problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as well as certain communication and teamwork skills.
Students should also have an interest in learning relevant programming languages such as SQL or Python or data visualization tools such as Tableau or Power BI.
Candidates should be interested in understanding how organizations work and how management can be improved through data analysis.


The main objective of the Double Degree in Business Management + Business Intelligence - bilingual is to train professionals capable of analysing large amounts of business data and using it to make strategic decisions.

The specific training objectives of the Degree in Business Intelligence include the following:

  • Data Analysis: students will be trained in the use of data analysis tools and advanced statistical techniques to analyse large business datasets, extracting relevant behavioural patterns.

  • Information Technologies: students will learn the basics of computer systems, programming languages, algorithms and data structure and how to apply them effectively in their daily work.

  • Business Management in a Global Environment: students will learn how business decisions are made based on available information and how business intelligence can help to improve the quality of these decisions.

  • Entrepreneurship and Leadership: students will acquire skills in areas such as entrepreneurship and project management to work effectively in interdisciplinary teams and communicate their findings effectively to managers and other members of the management team.

This more specific training in the field of business intelligence is complemented with interdisciplinary training that provides students with a holistic vision that modulates both the learning process and the practical application of the technical knowledge developed in other subjects.

To develop a refined economic and business language, i.e. have solid knowledge of the fundamental concepts and instruments of management applicable to the functional areas of the company.




Agenda and News