Máster Universitario en Abogacía + Curso de especialización en Derecho Penal económico

Junto al Máster en Abogacía, el Curso de Especialización en Derecho Penal Económico se adentra en esta especialidad dentro del derecho penal, cuya elaboración no se limita al desarrollo y al estudio de los delitos considerados económicos, sino que también se ha extendido a aspectos metodológicos: la extensión del derecho penal económico, su fundamento conceptual, el desarrollo técnico y teórico sobre aspectos de la parte general del derecho penal económico, la medida en la que la sanción penal se extiende a conductas que implican la infracción de normas esenciales en la vida económica, y especialmente en la responsabilidad de la empresa respecto al mercado y a la administración, y en la responsabilidad de quienes tienen deberes de fidelidad respecto a los intereses de la misma empresa

doble advocacia + derecho penal
Official Master’s Degree in the Legal Practice and Legal Representation + Expert Diploma in Economic Criminal Law
Course title

Official Master’s Degree in the Legal Profession + Expert Diploma in Economic Criminal Law

Academic field

Law and Political Science

Duration / Credits

16 months
105 ECTS

Official stamp of quality – AQU





Student profile

Those interested in studying a speciality at the same time as practising law in the field of economic criminal law, as well as managers from the business world.

Admission and enrolment

Admissions applications via the website; documentation and formalisation of admission at the University.

For more information

Calendar and timetable

From October 2019 to December 2020. Monday to Thursday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., and Fridays from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Academic Calendar

Official Master’s Degree in LEGAL PROFESSION

We are the most experienced private university for teaching law in Catalonia


1. Employability and international outlook

94.7% of our students find employment at the end of their studies (AQU 2023 labour market insertion survey).. Students acquire the linguistic and cultural knowledge they need to work anywhere in the world.

2. Professionalisation

Law 34/2006, of 30th October, which enables lawyers and solicitors to practise, introduced the requirement for additional professional training beyond that of university level prior to admission to the bar.

This additional training must consist of an entry (bar) exam after earning 60 ECTS credits through courses accredited by the Ministry of Justice and 30 ECTS credits from a mentored internship.

In response to this new regulatory framework for teaching law and practising as a lawyer, Abat Oliba CEU University offers this legally required additional training in the form of a master's. It is a professional pathway that offers not only subjects directly related to legal practice, but also important subjects with transferable skills, such as ethics, negotiation and promotion of equality and human rights.

Along with the Master's in Legal Profession, the Specialisation Course in Economic Criminal Law is not limited to just the study of financial crimes. It also covers methodological aspects: the scope of economic criminal law, its conceptual foundations, the technical and theoretical aspects and the extent to which criminal penalties cover infringements of basic economic rules. It focuses specifically on corporate responsibility regarding the market and administration, and the liability of those who have duties of care to the interests of the company.

3. Experience

We have been training lawyers since 1973. We are the most experienced private university for teaching law in Catalonia. 

4. Preparation for entering the legal profession

All students taking the master's have personal access to Legal Quiz by the Lefebvre publishing house, a database with more than 1,500 questions similar to those asked on the bar exam, as well as two digital books: Memento Acceso a la Abogacía and Memento Ejercicio Profesional de la Abogacía.

5. Methodology

The Master's in Legal Profession is taught through a system combining three simultaneous methodologies:

  • lectures by prestigious legal experts
  • seminars based on real case studies
  • workshops on practical and communicative skills and abilities
  • a complete and practical programme led by expert legal practitioners on the subject: judges, magistrates, attorneys, lawyers and university professors.

Special emphasis is placed on soft skills as a key tool for future practising lawyers.

6. Professional development

The Master's in Legal Profession and the Specialisation Course in Economic Criminal Law offer an internship programme with reputable firms specialising in regulatory compliance consulting. The Talent&Work Area at UAO CEU offers a vast jobs market and advice for entrepreneurs.

UAO CEU currently has links with more than 2,300 companies with internship placements in more than 20 countries.

7. Teaching staff

Our teaching staff is made up of academics, lawyers, magistrates and other figures from the legal world selected based on their career, prestige and educational skills. 

8. Information resources

The Library Service was created to support study and research with the aim of meeting all educational and scientific needs. It has extensive opening hours, including weekends, and is equipped with the latest technology.

UAO CEU also gives the university community a digital repository containing open-access publications including teaching materials, faculty and institutional research and work by students and alumni of the University.


Legal Profession

Specialisation Course in Economic Criminal Law course structure

1. General overview of economic criminal law and its procedural aspects: risks of economic activity for consumers (5 ECTS)

  • Chance and subjectivity in economic criminal law.
  • Mistake as to the wrongfulness and guilt in economic criminal law.
  • Punishments for legal persons.
  • Criminal protection for customers.
  • Traditional crime against property and equity, like economic crime.
  • Cyber crime.

2. Risks of a company's economic activity in relation to public interests (4 ECTS)

  • Crimes against the environment.
  • Crimes against town planning.
  • Protection of workers' rights.
  • Company crime, crime by public officials and corruption.
  • Tax offences, subsidy fraud and crimes against social security.
  • Money laundering and contraband.

3. Protection of company interests and its position in the market (4 ECTS)

  • Corporate crimes.
  • Stock market crimes.
  • Bankruptcy fraud.
  • Crimes against intellectual property.
  • Crimes against industrial property.
  • Corruption in the private sector.

4. Criminal Compliance (3 ECTS)

  • Analysis of criminal risk and adequate prevention in the business world, both generally and in specific types of economic criminal law.


Teaching staff


The classes of the Official Master's in Legal Profession are taught by recognised experts with far-reaching teaching and professional experience who were chosen for their reputation as well as their specialisation in the legal profession.


Academic Management of the Master’s

José Ramón Agustina Sanllehí
Full professor of Criminal Law and Criminology.


Academic Coordination

Isabel Arias Díez
Degree in Law from the UB. Master’s Degree in Business Law from UAO CEU. Lawyer at Tornos Abogados.


ICAB Coordination

Jesús María Sánchez García. Member of the ICAB Governing Board, Regulations and Delegations Committee.

Advisory board

  • José María Fuster Fabra. PhD in Law from the University of Barcelona. Partner of counsel at Fuster-Fabra Abogados.
  • Juan Antonio Roger. Partner and director of the Commercial Law Department at Foro Legal Abogados.
  • Esaú Alarcón. Lawyer at Gibernau Asesores.

Teaching staff

  • Agustina Sanllehí, José Ramón. PhD. Full professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at Abat Oliba CEU University.    
  • Alarcón García, Esaú. PhD. Tax lawyer at Gibernau Asesores and member of the Institutional Advisory Board of AEDAF.    
  • Arias Diez, Isabel. Lawyer specialising in Civil Law and Coordinator of the Master's Degree in the Law Profession at Abat Oliba CEU University.     
  • Armas González, Eduardo. Lawyer for the Social Security Administration and associate professor in labour law at Abat Oliba CEU University.    
  • Arranz Puig, Irene. Lawyer. Senior associate at Cuatrecasas, specialising in international arbitration. Advises on cases related to distribution, construction and disputes arising from transactions and M&A operations.    
  • Artamendi, Alberto. Lawyer. Senior associate at Uría & Menéndez, specialising in tax affairs relating to direct and indirect taxation, and in the design and implementation of domestic and cross-border restructuring operations.    
  • Asencio Gallego, José María. PhD. Territorial Judge with the High Court of Justice of Catalonia and lecturer at the judicial school.    
  • Benítez Rodríguez, Daniel. Lawyer at Tornos Abogados, specialising in private law.     
  • Bertomeu García, Jordi. Lawyer. Partner Bufete Jordi Bertomeu.     
  • Capilla Vidal, Gabriel. PhD. Lawyer. Director of the Administrative and Public Sector Law Department at Durán-Sindreu Asesores Legales y Tributarios.    
  • Conca Pérez, Vicente. Judge. President of the fourth court of the Provincial Court of Barcelona     
  • De Antonio Calvo, Sue. State Lawyer. Deputy head of the legal service of the AEAT delegation.  
  • De la Rosa Riera, Mariana. Lawyer. Senior associate at Uría & Menéndez specialising in Litigation, Arbitration and Criminal Law.    
  • De la Torre Pedrosa, Beltrán. Labour and Social Security inspector     
  • Del Coto, Marta. Senior Consultant at Iterlegis Legal Staffing Solutions.    
  • Díaz Fraile, Juan María. PhD. Magistrate of the Supreme Court, Property and Commercial Registrar and notary public. Professor of Civil Law and co-director of the Chair of Registry Law at the Complutense University of Madrid.    
  • Echavarri Paniagua, Carlos. Lawyer. Partner at Tubau & Lajara & Echevarri.    
  • Ferro, Carol.  HR Manager at Garrigues y Deloitte.    
  • Fuster Fabra Torrella José María. PhD. Lawyer. Founding partner at Fuster-Fabra Abogados.     
  • Gallego Berdah, David. Lawyer. Senior associate of labour law practice at Garrigues.    
  • García de Cal, José Luis. PhD. Lawyer. Associate at Cuatrecasas specialising in public law, including administrative, regulatory and urban planning law.    
  • García Echegoyen, Enrique. Lawyer. Managing partner of IURISGRUP Sociedad. Professional lawyer dedicated to labour law and vice-president of the labour law section of the Bar Association.    
  • Gay Rosell, Mª Eugenia. Dean of the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB), President of Consell de l'Advocacia catalana (CICAC) and Partner at Gay-Rosell & Solano.    
  • Gil, Ayllen. PhD. Associate Professor of Procedural Law at Pompeu Fabra University.    
  • Goenechea Permisán, Gorka. PhD. Partner at Balaguer Morera y Asociados "BM&A".    
  • Gotor Sánchez, Santiago. Notary Public.      
  • Guardiola Sánchez, Inés. PhD. Lawyer. Founding partner of Guardiola Penalistas,     
  • Igartua Arregui, Iñigo. Lawyer. Partner coordinating Competition and European Union Law at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo.    
  • López Alegre, Joan. CEO at Strategycomm, specialist in communication for law firms.    
  • Lucas Esteve, Adolfo. PhD. Substitute Judge of the Provincial Court of Barcelona and Professor of Civil Law at Abat Oliba CEU University.    
  • Martell Pérez-Alcande, Cristóbal. Lawyer. Managing partner at Martell Abogados.     
  • Massanella Rodriguez, Joaquim. Lawyer at Addensis, expert in national and international litigation, as well as national and international arbitration.    
  • Naveira Manteiga, Julio. Lawyer. Former Dean of the Mataró Bar Association and Partner of Naveira Abogados.     
  • Nuevo López, Pablo. PhD. Professor in Constitutional Law at Abat Oliba CEU University.    
  • Parra Rodríguez, Carmen.  PhD. Associate professor in Private International Law at Abat Oliba CEU University.      
  • Peña Sastre, Rosa Isabel. Lawyer. Partner at Roca Junyent Advocats, specialising in public law, both administrative and contentious-administrative.    
  • Pereira Puigvert, Silvia. PhD. Associate Professor of Procedural Law at the University of Girona.     
  • Pérez Suay, Andrea. PhD. Professor of Company Law at Abat Oliba CEU University.     
  • Poderoso, Montserrat. Chief Prosecutor of the Mataró-Arenys de Mar Area Prosecutor's Office.    
  • Prats Jane, Sergi. PhD. Lawyer. Partner at LSB Abogados in Barcelona. Associate Professor of International Private Law at UB and URV.   
  • Recio Córdova, Antonio. Judge and president of the Provincial Court of Barcelona      
  • Rexach Vilá, Nuria. Human Resources Manager at Cuatrecasas.     
  • Rodríguez Orriols, Cristina. Lawyer. Partner at Mda-lexartis.     
  • Roger Gamir, Juan Antonio. Lawyer. Founding partner of Foro Legal and professor of Company Law at Abat Oliba CEU University.     
  • Rovira del Canto, Enrique. PhD. Judge, fifth court of the Provincial Court of Barcelona.    
  • Soria Sorjús, José. Lawyer. Partner of the Company Law Department at Uría Menéndez. 
  • Tarragona Fernández, Elena. PhD. Associate Lawyer at Ramón y Cajal Abogados.    
  • Varona Jiménez, Alberto. PhD. Judge, Professor of Criminal Law at the Judicial School of the General Council of the Judiciary.    
  • Vidal Prado, Carlos. PhD. Professor of Constitutional Law at National Distance-Learning University (Madrid).    
  • Vidal-Quadras Trias de Bes, Javier. Lawyer. Partner at AVQ Legal. 


Teaching staff

  • Carlos Pérez del Valle. Rector of Abat Oliba CEU University. Doctor of Law.
  • Pedro Ariche. Prosecutor at the Economic Crime Unit of the Catalan High Court.
  • Francisco Bañeres Santos. Deputy Prosecutor at the Prosecutor's Office of the Catalan High Court.
  • Jesús Barrientos Pacho. Judge, President of Section 8 of the Provincial Court, Barcelona.
  • Miguel Capuz Soler. Lawyer, member of the Criminal Department at Piqué Abogados Asociados S.L.
  • Sergi Cardenal Montraveta. Doctor of Law and Professor of Criminal Law at UB, Reserve Judge on the Provincial Court, Barcelona.
  • Raquel Carrillo Carmona. Prosecutor at the environmental crime unit of the Catalan High Court.
  • David Felip. Professor of Criminal Law at UPF. Doctor of Law.
  • Rosa Fernández Palma. Judge. Doctor of Law.
  • Ramón García Albero. Criminal Law Professor at the University of Lleida.
  • Juan Carlos Hortal. Professor of Criminal Law at UPF. Substitute Judge on the Provincial Court, Barcelona. Doctor of Law.
  • Javier Marca Matute. Judge on the Provincial Court, Girona.
  • Cristóbal Martell Pérez-Alcalde. Lawyer and founding member of the Martell law firm.
  • Luis Fernando Martínez Zapater. Judge of Section 7 of the Provincial Court Court, Barcelona.
  • Óscar Morales García. Lawyer at Uría. Doctor of Law.
  • Fermín Morales Prats. Professor of Criminal Law at UAB, Lawyer and Founding Member of Morales Prats Abogados law firm.
  • Enrique Rovira del Canto. Judge of Section 5 on the Barcelona Provincial Court. Course Coordinator. Doctor of Law.
  • Ricardo Sanz-Gadea Góncer. Prosecutor at the anti-fraud office of the Catalan High Court.
  • Jesús Silva Sánchez. Professor of Criminal Law at UFP, Lawyer and Founding Member of Molins-Silva law firm.
  • Blanca Torrubia Chalmenta. Doctor of Law specialising in civil law. Trainee Professor at UOC.
  • Olga Tubau. Lawyer. Founding member of the Tubau-Lujara law firm.


Career opportunities


Students who pass the Official Master's in Legal Profession from Abat Oliba CEU University can go on to practise law in various areas, whether in a law firm of any specialty or as a corporate legal advisor.

Students who take the Specialisation Course in Economic Criminal Law from Abat Oliba CEU University will be able to prove their criminal law skills for work at specialist legal firms.



  • AAMC Abogados
  • AGM Abogados
  • Albácar – Clusa & Asociados Abogados
  • Amat & Vidal-Quadras
  • Arraut & Asociados
  • Bassas  Advocats
  • B. Alemany Punyet
  • Baker & Mckenzie Barcelona
  • Blas de Lezo Abogados
  • Bufet Garcia Coca – Abogados
  • Bufet Miralbell Guerin
  • Bufet Sorroca Serrano
  • Bufete Carreras Llansana
  • Bufete de Abogados Fuentes Lojo
  • Bufete Díaz Arias
  • Bufete de Mier Abogados
  • Bufete Escura
  • Cabades – Valls. Notarios Asociados
  • Clifford Chance
  • CMS Albiñana & Suárez de Lezo
  • Barcelona Bar Association
  • Legal Assessment Commission - Government of Catalonia
  • Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira
  • Deloitte
  • Ernst & Young S.L
  • Foro Legal
  • Frübeck Abogados-Economistas
  • Fuster-Fabra Abogados
  • Garrigues
  • Gay Vendrell Advocats
  • Gómez-Acebo & Pombo
  • Harboury Legal & Business Services
  • Herrera Advocats
  • Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB)
  • Tornos Abogados Asociados
  • Landwell, Abogados Asesores Fiscales
  • KPMG
  • Manubens Advocats
  • Martell Abogados
  • Monereo Meyer Marinel-lo Abogados
  • Molins & Silva
  • Mullerat Advocats
  • Munné Muñoz-Sabaté Advocats Dret Privat
  • Mutualidad de la Abogacía
  • Notaria Belloch & De Dueñas
  • Perez Llorca
  • Roca Junyent
  • Ros Procuradores
  • RCD Abogados
  • Trias de Bes y Vidal-Quadras Abogados y Asesores Tributarios
  • Uría Menéndez


Fees and scholarships


€ 12,690*

*Price for the 2025-26 academic year

Tuition fees correspond, solely and exclusively, to the provision of teaching as part of the programme enrolled on, and this is the only service offered in exchange for the payment of those fees. By enrolling, the student accepts that decisions made by the competent authorities may, directly or indirectly, render it necessary to carry out teaching, tutoring, work placements or assessment tests either in person or via distance learning.

The student accepts that they remain obliged to pay any such fees in full even if, for reasons beyond the control of the University, some of the educational activities included in the degree cannot be carried out as initially provided for in the course guides at the beginning of the academic year. If restrictions are part in place, the University will provide the student with a guarantee that the activity will be rescheduled when possible, taking into consideration the interests of the student and any other applicable academic criteria.


Once you have formalised reservation of your place, the remaining amount can be paid in the following ways:

One-time payment

A one-off payment entitles you to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

Payment by instalments

In 3 instalments in the first year and 2 instalments in the second year.

Monthly payments

10 instalments with special 0% interest financing with CaixaBank. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

Other financing agreements

With Banco Santander, CaixaBank and Banc Sabadell. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.


Students have until 21 June to cancel their reserved place. This way, you can book your place now and be free to cancel if your circumstances change*
*Deadline for cancelling subject to changes in the official enrolment calendar


Master’s and Postgraduate Department
Bellesguard, 30. 08022 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 253 72 03
[email protected]

Quality and regulation


Candidates for the Official Master's in Legal Profession + Specialisation Course in Economic Criminal Law must have completed a Spanish or international university degree equivalent to a bachelor's degree in the British system.

The student body includes:

  • Law graduates


The Official Master's in Legal Profession + Specialisation Course in Economic Criminal Law is aimed at training people to deliver excellent service in legal practice in their various pre-litigious and litigious specialities, as well as corporate legal consultancy for a diverse range of organisations.

The Master's and course have the following specific objectives:

Legal Profession:

- To acquire the knowledge and skills to apply European law in the framework of legal practice, both in Spain and on the international scale.

- To be able to use the Spanish legal system and execute legal advice, defence, accusation, mediation and more as a lawyer.

- To develop analytical and negotiation skills in conflict resolution.

- To have a good understanding of techniques to use in trial to get the best results.

- To understand the procedural laws and evaluate, critique, discuss, create and present judicial proposals related to real cases.

- To learn the basic skills needed to manage a professional lawyer's office.

- To understand the ethics of the legal profession.


Economic Criminal Law:

- To identify general and specific problems in economic criminal law.

- To analyse the links between criminal and procedural law in prosecuting economic crime.

- To master the demands of proof and strategies of defence and prosecution for economic crimes.

- To adapt knowledge of criminal law to the organisational structure of a business and analyse criminal risks when doing business.



Agenda and News

01 January
