🎓 Double master's degree in Law + International Law | Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

doble advocacia + derecho marítimo
Official Master’s Degree in the Legal Practice and Legal Representation + Master’s Degree (Lifelong learning) in the International Legal Profession
Course title

Official Master’s Degree in the Legal Practice and Legal Representation + Master’s Degree (Lifelong learning) in the International Legal Profession

Academic area

Law and Political Science 

Duration / Credits

16 months
(132 ECTS)

Official Quality Certification - AQU

Places / format

60 / On-site and blended learning

Organised with
Student profile 

Designed for practising lawyers and students of the master's degree in the legal profession looking to train in order to be able to provide their services. Legal experts who require specialised training in EU and international law.

Admissions and enrolment

The enrolment process is now open. Contact the Postgraduate Information Service to apply. 

For more information

Calendar and timetables

Official Master’s Degree in the Legal Practice and Legal Representation: from October to December (of the following year). Afternoons from Monday to Friday from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Master's Degree in the International Law: From October to July. Fridays from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. and two Saturdays a month from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Academic Calendar

Official Master’s Degree in the Legal Profession

The private university with the most experience in the field of law in Catalonia.

Why study at UAO CEU?

1. Employability

94.7% of our students find employment at the end of their studies (AQU 2023 labour market insertion survey).

2. Become a specialist in the legal profession in Europe and internationally, a highly sought-after profile among firms and companies

Law 34/2006, of 30 October, which regulates access to the professions of lawyer and court attorney, introduced the requirement of a professional qualification in addition to a degree prior to registration with Professional Associations.

This additional training consists of taking an entrance exam (qualifying exam), after passing 60 ECTS credits of training courses accredited by the Ministry of Justice and 30 ECTS credits of supervised placements.

In order to adapt to this new regulatory framework for the teaching of Law and preparation for the practice of the legal profession, Abat Oliba CEU University provides the additional training now required by the law, integrating subjects directly related to the practice of the profession and other cross-cutting subjects that are particularly important (such as deontology, negotiation and training in the values of equality and respect for human rights).

The Master’s gives students personal access to the online Legal Quiz by the legal publishing house Lefebvre, with access to a database of more than 1500 questions adapted to the format of the bar exam. In addition, they will have access to the Professional Practice of Law and Access to the Law Profession sections.

The phenomena of Europeanisation and globalisation have helped expand businesses and other activities beyond traditional national borders. Evolutions in new technologies and digitalisation have only exacerbated this trend. Even within our borders, a good lawyer needs a thorough knowledge of EU and international law. 

This is why we have seen such a large increase in the demand for legal advisors and professionals who not only know domestic law, but who also have specialist knowledge of European and international law and who are comfortable in such settings.

3. Blended learning model

The combination of in-person classes with autonomous (but guided) work by the student allows for great flexibility with ample opportunity to explore subjects in all their complexity.

4. Experience

We have been training legal experts since 1973. The private university with the most experience in the field of law in Catalonia.

5. Methodology

The master's degree is taught using a careful combination of three simultaneous methodologies: lectures by renowned jurists, case study discussion seminars based on real-life examples, and activities designed to develop students’ practical and communicative skills and abilities. Classroom activities are complemented with autonomous (but guided) work by the student.

6. Professional development

Real work placements at major firms. We also offer a national and international job’s board with more than 2,300 collaborating companies with work placements in over 20 countries.

7. Teaching staff

Teaching staff comprising academics, lawyers, judges and other legal professionals selected for their background, prestige and teaching skills.

8. Information resources

The Library Service is designed to support study and research with the primary objective of meeting students’ educational and scientific needs. It has ample opening hours, even on weekends, with the best IT facilities.

UAO CEU also offers a large digital repository containing open-access publications derived from the teaching, research and institutional activities carried out by the university’s teaching staff, students and alumni.


Legal Profession

Syllabus of the International Legal Profession 

Teaching staff


Classes in the Official Master’s Degree in the Legal Profession are taught by experts and professionals with proven teaching or professional experience, and have been chosen for their recognised prestige and specialisation in the field of the legal profession.


Academic Management

María Jesús Pesqueira Zamora
PhD in Procedural Law at UAO CEU and substitute judge at the Barcelona Provincial Court. Dean of the Faculty of Law and Business at UAO CEU.

Academic Coordination

Isabel Arias Díez
Degree in Law from the UB. Master’s Degree in Business Law from UAO CEU. Lawyer at Tornos Abogados

ICAB Coordination

Jesús María Sánchez García. Member of the ICAB Governing Board, Regulations and Delegations Committee.

Advisory board

  • José María Fuster Fabra. PhD in Law from the University of Barcelona. Partner of counsel at Fuster-Fabra Abogados.
  • Juan Antonio Roger. Partner and director of the Commercial Law Department at Foro Legal Abogados.
  • Esaú Alarcón. Lawyer at Gibernau Asesores.

Teaching staff

  • Jordi Agustí. Former Supreme Court Judge.
  • Juan Antonio Pérez Rivarés. Partner at Uría & Menéndez.
  • Christian Herrera Petrus. Partner at Herrera Abogados.
  • Enrique Rovira del Canto. Judge at the Provincial Court of Barcelona
  • Ignacio Ripol Carulla. Partner at Overseas Law Practice.
  • José María Fuster-Fabra. Managing partner at Fuster-Fabra Abogados.
  • Juan Antonio Roger Gamir. Foro Legal.
  • Jacinto Gimeno Valentín-Gamazo. Lawyer.
  • Isabel Arias Díez. Tornos Abogados.
  • José María Rojí. Partner at CMS Albiñana & Suárez de Lezo.
  • Adolfo Lucas Esteve. Associate Professor of Civil Law at UAO CEU and substitute judge at the Barcelona Provincial Court.
  • Enrique Bacigalupo. Judge emeritus of the Supreme Court.
  • Javier Vidal-Quadras. Partner at Amat & Vidal-Quadras.
  • Alfonso del Castillo. Lawyer at Cuatrecasas.
  • Álex Farreres. Partner at Uría & Menéndez.
  • Jordi Bertomeu García. Lawyer.
  • Enrique García Echegoyen. Lawyer.
  • Marcos Espuny Garrigues. Lawyer.
  • Ezequiel Miranda. Cortés Abogados.
  • Pablo Nuevo. Professor of Constitutional Law at UAO CEU.
  • Carmen Parra. Professor of International Law at UAO CEU.
  • Jesús Sánchez. Lawyer. Member of ICAB’s Governing Board.
  • Carlos Pérez del Valle. Professor of Criminal Law and Dean of the San Pablo CEU University. Former Supreme Court Lawyer.
  • Enrique García Echegoyen. Lawyer and president of the ICAB Training Committee.
  • Enrique Rovira del Canto. Judge at the Provincial Court of Barcelona
  • José Luis del Olmo. Associate professor of Marketing and Sales Management at UAO CEU.
  • Marc Molins. Partner at Molins & Parés Abogados.
  • Rosa M. Foix Miralles. Lawyer.
  • Lídia Pérez. Lawyer.
  • Cristina Rodríguez-Obiols. Lawyer at MDA & Lexartis.
  • Esaú Alarcón. Lawyer at Gibernau Asesores.
  • Julio Naveira. Dean of the Mataró Bar Association. Former president of Consell de l'Advocacia Catalana.
  • José M.ª Fernández Seijo. Judge at the Provincial Court of Barcelona
  • Juan José Guardia. Director of studies of the Degree in Law at UAO CEU.
  • Juan Manuel de Castro. Lawyer at RCD Abogados. Commercial Magistrate on leave.
  • Elena Tarragona. Lawyer at Ramón y Cajal Abogados.
  • Antonio Sánchez Gervilla. Partner at SANGER Abogados.
  • Ana Campuzano. Full professor of Commercial Law at San Pablo CEU University.
  • Jerónimo Maíllo. Professor of Community Law at San Pablo CEU University.


Academic Management

Prof. Dr Jerónimo Maillo. Professor of EU and International Law, International Relations, CEU San Pablo University. Jean Monnet, Professor of European Law

Coordinators of the Master’s

Sergio Prats Jané. Lawyer. Associate Professor of International Private Law and European Union Law at UAO CEU, UB, URV and tutor professor at UOC.

Teaching staff

  • Dr José María Acensio Gallego. Judge. Associate Professor of Criminal Law at UB and Associate Professor of Procedural Law and Criminology at UAO CEU.
  • Dr Ana Belén Campuzano Laguillo. Professor of Commercial Law at CEU San Pablo University, coordinator of the PhD program in Law and Economics at the CEU International Doctoral School.
  • Dr Francisco J. Fonseca Morillo. Director of the Representation of the European Commission in Spain. Professor of Community Law at San Pablo CEU University. 
  • Dr Jerónimo Maillo. Professor of EU and International Law, International Relations, CEU San Pablo University. Jean Monnet, Professor of European Law
  • Marta Martini. Lawyer, coordinator of the International Centre for Arbitration, Mediation and Negotiation (CIAMEN) of the Royal University Institute of European Studies of CEU San Pablo University.
  • Dr Miguel Ángel Medina Abellán. Associate Professor of International Relations at Ramon Llull University and UAO CEU.
  • Pablo Nuevo. Professor of Constitutional Law at UAO CEU.
  • Dr Carmen Parra. Associate professor in Private International Law at Abat Oliba CEU University.
  • Dr Andrea Pérez Suay. Professor at UAO CEU, coordinator of the Master's Degree in Maritime Law at UAO CEU. 
  • Dr María Jesús Pesqueira Zamora. PhD in Procedural Law at UAO CEU and substitute judge at the Barcelona Provincial Court. Dean of the Faculty of Law and Business at UAO CEU.
  • Dr Javier Porras Belarra. Professor of EU Law, International Public Law and International Relations at CEU San Pablo University.
  • Dr Sergio Prats Jané. Lawyer. Associate Professor of International Private Law and European Union Law at UAO CEU, UB, URV and tutor professor at UOC.
  • Dr Francisco Villacampa Megía. Associate Professor of International Public Law at UAO CEU and UOC.  
  • Dr Marta Villar. Professor of Financial and Tax Law at San Pablo CEU University. Vice President of the Supervisory Board of the International Fiscal Association (IFA).
  • Dr Raquel Xalabarder Plantada. Professor of International Private Law at UOC. 


Career opportunities


Students who obtain the Official Master’s Degree in the Legal Profession from Abat Oliba CEU University will be able to pursue a career in the practice of law in various fields, either in law firms or providing legal consulting to businesses.

Upon completion of the Official Master’s in the International Legal Profession at Abat Oliba CEU University, students will be able to pursue a career in the following fields:


  • Spanish law firms with a European and international vocation
  • International firms based in Spain
  • Legal firms advising companies, businesses and other entities 


  • AAMC Abogados
  • AGM Abogados
  • Albácar – Clusa & Asociados Abogados
  • Amat & Vidal-Quadras
  • Arraut & Asociados
  • Bassas  Advocats
  • B. Alemany Punyet
  • Baker & Mckenzie Barcelona
  • Blas de Lezo Abogados
  • Bufet Garcia Coca – Abogados
  • Bufet Miralbell Guerin
  • Bufet Sorroca Serrano
  • Bufete Carreras Llansana
  • Bufete de Abogados Fuentes Lojo
  • Bufete Díaz Arias
  • Bufete de Mier Abogados
  • Bufete Escura
  • Cabades – Valls. Notarios Asociados
  • Clifford Chance
  • CMS Albiñana & Suárez de Lezo
  • Col·legi de l'Advocacia de Barcelona - ICAB
  • Comissió Jurídica Assessora - Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira
  • Deloitte
  • Ernst & Young S.L
  • Foro Legal
  • Frübeck Abogados-Economistas
  • Fuster-Fabra Abogados
  • Garrigues
  • Gay Vendrell Advocats
  • Gómez-Acebo & Pombo
  • Harboury Legal & Business Services
  • Herrera Advocats
  • Il·lustre Col·legi d’Advocats de Barcelona (ICAB)
  • Joaquín Tornos Abogados Asociados
  • Landwell, Abogados Asesores Fiscales
  • KPMG
  • Manubens Advocats
  • Martell Abogados
  • Miralbell Guerin
  • Monereo Meyer Marinel-lo Abogados
  • Molins & Silva
  • Mullerat Advocats
  • Munné Muñoz-Sabaté Advocats Dret Privat
  • Mutualidad de la Abogacía
  • Notaria Belloch & De Dueñas
  • Perez Llorca
  • Roca Junyent
  • Ros Procuradores
  • Rousaud Costas Duran
  • Trias De Bes y Vidal-Quadras Abogados y Asesores Tributarios
  • Uría Menéndez



Fees and scholarships


€ 13,995

*Price for the 2025-26 academic year

Tuition fees correspond, solely and exclusively, to the provision of teaching as part of the programme enrolled on, and this is the only service offered in exchange for the payment of those fees. By enrolling, the student accepts that decisions made by the competent authorities may, directly or indirectly, render it necessary to carry out teaching, tutoring, work placements or assessment tests either in person or via distance learning.

The student accepts that they remain obliged to pay any such fees in full even if, for reasons beyond the control of the University, some of the educational activities included in the degree cannot be carried out as initially provided for in the course guides at the beginning of the academic year. If restrictions are part in place, the University will provide the student with a guarantee that the activity will be rescheduled when possible, taking into consideration the interests of the student and any other applicable academic criteria.


Once you have formalised reservation of your place, the remaining amount can be paid in the following ways:

One-time payment

A one-off payment entitles you to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

Payment by instalments

In 3 instalments in the first year and 2 instalments in the second year.

Monthly payments

10 instalments with special 0% interest financing with CaixaBank. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

Other financing agreements

With Banco Santander, CaixaBank and Banc Sabadell. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.


Students have until 21 June to cancel their reserved place. This way, you can book your place now and be free to cancel if your circumstances change*
*Deadline for cancelling subject to changes in the official enrolment calendar


Master’s and Postgraduate Department
Bellesguard, 30. 08022 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 253 72 03
[email protected]

Quality and regulation


Undergraduate degree in Law (or equivalent) 



The goal of the Official Master's Degree in Legal Profession + International Legal Profession is to train specialists in EU and international law to practise law and other legal professions.

The master’s degree has the following specific objectives:

Legal profession:
  • To acquire the knowledge and skills required for the application of European law in the legal profession, both in Spain and internationally.
  • To learn how to apply the Spanish legal system and be able to provide legal advice, defence, prosecution, mediation or other roles inherent to being a lawyer.
  • To develop analytical and negotiating skills in dispute resolution.
  • To master strategies in the process for optimising results.
  • To learn the order of legal procedures and to evaluate, critique, discuss, elaborate and present legal proposals in relation to real assumptions.
  • To learn the skill set necessary for heading up professional firms.
  • To learn about the code of ethics of the legal profession.
International Legal Profession:
  • To become familiar with international law.
  • To train specialists in EU and international law to practise law and other legal professions.



Agenda and News