🎓 Degree in Advertising and Public Relations | Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

The degree in Advertising and PR from the Abat Oliba CEU University includes internships in the best agencies. Employability rate of 97%.

Degree in Advertising and Public Relations
Course title

Degree in Advertising and Public Relations

Academic field


Duration / Credits

4 years
240 ECTS






(AQU 2023) (+3 points above the average of Catalan universities)

Student profile

Students interested in institutional and corporate communication and its management.

Admission and enrolment

Applications for admission must be submitted through the Admission Portal. Candidates will be assessed based on their academic record and the admissions tests taken.

Preferential admission will be granted to candidates who meet the academic entry requirements and who best fulfil the selection criteria.

Calendar and timetable

Academic calendar

Current timetable
Previous timetable

90.9% of our students find work after finishing their studies.


1. Employability and job quality

90.9% of our Advertising students find work after finishing their studies. 70.7% is the job quality index which brings together aspects of job satisfaction (AQU 2017).

2. Leadership and Employability: Design YOUR Future

New Design YOUR Future Employability Acceleration Program for students of all Bachelor's Degrees at CEU universities, aiming to improve employability and facilitate integration into the professional world by reducing the time from the first work experience. Developed by the Employability Commission of the CEU Employability Advisory Council and designed by future employers, it focuses on understanding the labour market and how companies work.

3. Course satisfaction

75% of our students are satisfied with their communication studies, the third-highest level out of all Catalan universities (AQU 2017), 11 points higher than the Catalan university average.

4. Learn by doing

A new teaching method inspired by the learning by doing and flipped classroom models, where the student is the centre of the teaching model and the classroom becomes a generator of professional experiences.

GoliADs UAO CEU Awards: Advertising and PR students organise this contest, gala and awards ceremony every year, and it has become a reference point for advertising agencies. 

UAO CEU is the headquarters of the 18-19 and 19-20 editions of the Festival Drac Novell International, the major event on the advertising and communication calendar. The University organises the event in collaboration with the Managerial Association of Advertising.

Aula News: students on this degree will develop the advertising section of the university digital newspaper created by Journalism students.

5. Colegio de Publicitarios y Relaciones Públicas de Catalunya

Los alumnos de Publicidad de la UAO acceden a la inscripción gratuita en esta entidad hasta que terminen sus estudios, pudiendo así beneficiarse de los servicios y actividades que ofrece.

6. International programmes

International Experience Coventry University is a knowledge and cultural exchange featuring international group work (Online International Learning), trips (short global experience study / field trip), Erasmus+ programmes and the possibility of dual qualifications.

El programa CEU - The University of Chicago (Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional Studies) programme is an initiative for Journalism and Political Science (International Relations) students: trips, case study method and more.

7. CEU ePlus skills programme

A teaching model based on practical, personalised education that links theory to professional practice through case studies and real experiences, workshops and practical seminars.

It includes visits to national and international companies and production centres through internships.

8. Progressive International Development

A new itinerary of international experience that encourages Advertising and PR students to adopt an international outlook from the first year to the fourth through international collaboration activities, academic exchanges for students and faculty, participation in international research projects and short or long-term stays in universities abroad.

1: Students will undergo an online interaction experience with other European universities.
2: Students will be able to explore global communication through short-term stays around Europe, where students will learn to adapt the advertising message to a cultural context. We receive a group of students from other European countries and work together on an international project.
3rd: We prepare students for the latest and/or most transcultural challenges in collaboration with two European universities. With a constantly changing syllabus, we get in touch with students from various universities and work together to find solutions to the challenges of social responsibility, the environment and society.
4: We broaden horizons through the ERASMUS programme and semesters with our partner universities in Europe and the Americas (New York, Boston, Toronto, Santiago, Dublin, Mexico City and Florida, etc.). At UAO CEU, we organise various international advertising events (Drac Novell, GoliAds) that allow students to get to grips with international communication in a practical way.

9. Innovation Lab

New facilities, infrastructure and static and mobile teaching equipment. TV, sound and photography studios, radio workshop, digital writing and experimental research lab.


Careers and internships


Students who earn the Official Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from Abat Oliba CEU University can pursue their careers in the following areas:

  • Creative director
  • Artistic manager
  • Account manager
  • Events Organiser and Protocol Specialist
  • Personal brand advisor
  • Corporate and institutional communications manager
  • DirCom (Director of Communication)
  • Strategic planner
  • Brand creator, manager and designer (brand naming)
  • Advertising copywriter
  • Internal or external communication auditor
  • Advertising media planner
  • Social media strategist and analyst
  • Researcher and strategic consultant on market trends
  • Content creation specialist for businesses and institutions
  • Cross-media digital advertising and storytelling expert



In the final year of the degree, students will do an obligatory placement year, or internship, in businesses, offices or institutions in the student's preferred industry. 

These practical training programmes, included in the course structure, allow students to apply and enhance what they've learned in the course while acquiring the professional skills that will make their future transition to the workplace much easier.

The work that each student will undertake during the programme will be mutually agreed between the tutor in the business and the Work Placement and Employment Service coordinator in charge of the internship.

Furthermore, students have an academic tutor who provides follow-up and evaluation of the internship to get the most possible out of the placement.

For more information, visit the Work Placement and Employment Service.

  • List of companies
  • Further information and contact

International outlook 



*: Places are split between different courses.

Fees and scholarships


€ 9,795*

*Price for the 2025-26 academic year

Tuition fees correspond, solely and exclusively, to the provision of teaching as part of the programme enrolled on, and this is the only service offered in exchange for the payment of those fees. By enrolling, the student accepts that decisions made by the competent authorities may, directly or indirectly, render it necessary to carry out teaching, tutoring, work placements or assessment tests either in person or via distance learning.

The student accepts that they remain obliged to pay any such fees in full even if, for reasons beyond the control of the University, some of the educational activities included in the degree cannot be carried out as initially provided for in the course guides at the beginning of the academic year. If restrictions are part in place, the University will provide the student with a guarantee that the activity will be rescheduled when possible, taking into consideration the interests of the student and any other applicable academic criteria.


Once you've been accepted on the course, you can reserve your place at Abat Oliba CEU University, which guarantees you a place on the course, before you pass the “selectivity” university entrance exam* or other entry requirements. You can do this by making a payment of €1500 (which will be deducted from the total price of the course).

*Reservation of your place will be effective exclusively for the ordinary examination period (June) of the Baccalaureate University Entrance exam. Candidates who do not pass the Baccalaureate University Entrance exam or other access requirements for similar studies in the ordinary period (June), and have paid the Place Reservation Fee, will have priority in the September enrolment if the University has places available in the degree course requested.

Cancelling your place after reservation: students have until 21 June to cancel their reserved place. This means you can book now and cancel if your circumstances change later on.**

**Deadline subject to changes in the official registration calendar


Once you have formalised reservation of your place, the remaining amount can be paid in the following ways:

  • One-off payment

    A one-off payment entitles you to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

  • Payment by instalments

    5 instalments per year.


  • Monthly payments

    10 instalments with special 0% interest financing from CaixaBank. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

  • new special financing

    New financing agreements with banks with special conditions.

    - Banc Sabadell

    - CaixaBank

    - Banco Santander

    All options entitle prospective students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.


Contact the Information Service if you want us to help you draw up a personalised economic plan.
+34 932 53 72 00
[email protected]

Quality and regulation


Students must be interested in aspects related to the inner workings and management of institutional and corporate communication. They must be skilled at understanding the different communication, advertising and public relations models that organisations use to analyse and diagnose problems and suggest solutions. They must also have the ability to analyse, summarise and work in teams; good comprehension and abstract thought; good communication and social skills; a broad world view and a perspective on its possible evolution.

Knowledge of another language (preferably English) is desired and required, as is a flair for creativity in communications and advertising in the widest sense.


  • To understand the different techniques for research and analysis of communication, advertising and public relations
  • To understand the management techniques of the business world and the departments of communication, advertising and public relations
  • To understand the structure of communication media, its audiences and media purchases, as well as its characteristics, types and common issues
  • To understand methods and common marketing techniques and to make strategic decisions for communication, advertising and public relations
  • To understand creation and production methods and processes for different kinds of communication
  • To understand the ethics, professional and humanist code as well as the legal system






Agenda and News