Grado en Derecho

El grado Derecho aplica el método del caso con la resolución de casos con despachos de abogados y la asistencia a juicios reales. Tasa de Empleo del 90%.

Degree in Philosophy
Course title

Degree in Philosophy

Academic area


Duration  / Credits

4 YEARS / 240 ECTS





On-site and Online

Student profile

People with an interest in studying a degree in Philosophy that takes an approach based on Christian Philosophy. Secondary school teachers. Professionals interested in complementing and enriching their profile with philosophical training.    

Admissions and enrolment

Applications for admission must be submitted through the Admission Portal. Candidates will be assessed based on their academic record and the admissions tests taken.

Preferential admission will be granted to candidates who meet the academic entry requirements and who fulfil the selection criteria.

Calendar and timetables

Academic Calendar

Class timetables



Organised alongside the Catholic University of Ávila

Why study at UAO CEU?

1. Degree in Philosophy

A new official degree in Philosophy, from a Christian perspective, that is offered jointly by Abat Oliba CEU University (UAO CEU) and the Catholic University of Ávila (UCAV).

2. Leadership and Employability: Design YOUR Future

New Design YOUR Future Employability Acceleration Program for students of all Bachelor's Degrees at CEU universities, aiming to improve employability and facilitate integration into the professional world by reducing the time from the first work experience. Developed by the Employability Commission of the CEU Employability Advisory Council and designed by future employers, it focuses on understanding the labour market and how companies work.

3. Methodology

The degree in Philosophy can be taken in person or remotely. Students have the option of attending classes two afternoons a week at Abat Oliba CEU University or studying the course from anywhere in the world thanks to our online teaching platform. This format means the degree can be combined with other studies or made to fit around your job. 

4. Comprehensive options

At the end of the degree, students will be able to go on to take the UAO CEU Master’s Degree in Humanistic and Social Studies in the same format, in person or online. This master’s degree introduces students to philosophical research, taking the anthropological and political thought of St. Thomas Aquinas as a point of reference.

The student will be able to complete their itinerary of philosophy studies with the doctoral programme in Humanities for the Contemporary World at the CEU International Doctoral School (CEINDO).


The degree in Philosophy is organised by the UAO CEU and the Catholic University of Ávila (UCAV), a Catholic university located in Ávila (Castilla y León). It is well known for their experience in offering
distance learning.

UCAV has three faculties: Social and Legal Sciences, Sciences and Arts, and Health Sciences

6. Extra-curricular educational activities

Given the fact that most of the teaching staff belong to consolidated research groups and university networks such as ICUSTA (International Council of Universities in the Spirit of Saint Thomas Aquinas), students will be able to take part in extra-curricular academic activities, such as seminars,
conferences and international conferences. This allows students to get involved in research tasks with presentations of papers, publication as part of conferences and philosophical journals, etc., sharing their learning with a wider academic community. Specialised diplomas are also offered, such as one in Theology.

7. Comprehensive options

Students can continue their studies after the undergraduate degree by taking the Official Master's Degree in Humanistic and Social Studies, cross-disciplinary training aimed at helping students access a PhD programme in the field of humanities and the social sciences.

8. International agreements

UAO CEU offers students the chance to go on international exchanges across the European Union, in the following countries: Germany, Poland, Ireland, the Netherlands, France, Italy and Austria.
We also have agreements outside the European Union, in the following countries: USA, Colombia, Argentina and Mexico.


Teaching staff



Teaching staff

  • Stefano Abbate (UAO-CEU)
  • Miguel Acosta (IHAA-CEU)
  • Javier Barraycoa (UAO-CEU)
  • Mariano Bártoli (UAO-CEU)
  • Miguel Ángel Belmonte(UAO-CEU)
  • José Antonio Calvo (UCAV)
  • Mª Jesús Carravilla (UCAV)
  • Carmen Cortés (UAO-CEU)
  • Martín Echavarría (UAO-CEU)
  • Sara Gallardo (UCAV)
  • José MªGarrido (IHAA-CEU)
  • Núria Gómez (UAO-CEU)
  • Joan d’Àvila Juanola (UAO-CEU)
  • Marcin Kazmierczak (UAO-CEU)
  • Enrique Martínez (UAO-CEU)
  • Jorge Martínez (UAO-CEU)
  • Alessandro Mini (UAO-CEU)
  • Rafael Monterde (UCAV)
  • Manuel Oriol (IHAA-CEU)
  • Marisa Pro  (UCAV)
  • Fernando Romera (UCAV)
  • Pablo Sánchez (IHAA-CEU)
  • Francisco  Trullén (UCAV)



Upon completion of the Official Degree in Philosophy at Abat Oliba CEU University, students will be able to pursue a career in the following fields:

  • Secondary school teacher
  • University lecturer and researcher
  • Cultural manager
  • Editor and editorial advisor
  • Cultural, ethical, political advisor





*: Places are distributed across degree programmes.

Fees and scholarships


€ 3,195*

*Price for the 2025-26 academic year

Tuition fees correspond, solely and exclusively, to the provision of teaching as part of the programme enrolled on, and this is the only service offered in exchange for the payment of those fees. By enrolling, the student accepts that decisions made by the competent authorities may, directly or indirectly, render it necessary to carry out teaching, tutoring, work placements or assessment tests either in person or via distance learning.

The student accepts that they remain obliged to pay any such fees in full even if, for reasons beyond the control of the University, some of the educational activities included in the degree cannot be carried out as initially provided for in the course guides at the beginning of the academic year. If restrictions are part in place, the University will provide the student with a guarantee that the activity will be rescheduled when possible, taking into consideration the interests of the student and any other applicable academic criteria.


Once you've been accepted on the course, you can reserve your place at Abat Oliba CEU University, which guarantees you a place on the course, before you pass the “selectivity” university entrance exam* or other entry requirements. You can do this by making a payment of €500 (which will be deducted from the total price of the course).

*Reservation of your place will be effective exclusively for the ordinary examination period (June) of the Baccalaureate University Entrance exam. Candidates who do not pass the Baccalaureate University Entrance exam or other access requirements for similar studies in the ordinary period (June), and have paid the Place Reservation Fee, will have priority in the September enrolment if the University has places available in the degree course requested.

Cancelling your place after reservation: students have until 30 June to cancel their reserved place. This means you can book now and cancel if your circumstances change later on.**

**Deadline subject to changes in the official registration calendar


Once you have formalised reservation of your place, the remaining amount can be paid in the following ways:

  • One-off payment

    A one-off payment entitles you to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

  • Payment by instalments

    5 instalments per year.


  • Monthly payments

    10 instalments with special 0% interest financing from CaixaBank. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

  • new special financing

    New financing agreements with banks with special conditions.

    - Banc Sabadell

    - CaixaBank

    - Banco Santander

    All options entitle prospective students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.


Contact the Information Service if you want us to help you draw up a personalised economic plan.
Telephone: +34 932 53 72 00
[email protected]

Quality and regulation


People with an interest in studying a degree in Philosophy that takes an approach based on Christian Philosophy. Secondary school teachers. Professionals interested in complementing and enriching their profile with philosophical training.