🎓 Grau en Comunicació i Creació de Continguts Digitals | Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

Abat Oliba CEU t'ofereix el Grau en Comunicació i Creació de Continguts Digitals

Degree in Communication and Digital Content Creation

Degree in Communication and Digital Content Creation*

Academic area


Length / Credits

4 YEARS / 240 ECTS

Language / Places

Spanish / 40

Communication hub 

Interdisciplinary space

Employability Area of Communication


(AQU 2023) (+1 point above the average for Catalan universities)

*Pending verification

Student profile

Students should have an interest in digital communication, multimedia content creation and the impact of new technologies on the media. They should also be interested in managing digital projects, marketing strategies and the analysis of user behaviour on social media.

Admission and enrolment

Applications for admission must be submitted through the Admission Portal. Candidates will be assessed based on their academic record and the admissions tests taken. 
Preferential admission will be granted to candidates who meet the academic entry requirements and who best fulfil the selection criteria.

Calendar and timetable

Academic Calendar


Select academic year
Change your present.
Create your future.

89% of our students find work after completing their studies. 

*This figure corresponds to the overall rate for the area of communication.

Why study at the UAO CEU?

1. A degree designed to lead in the digital era

The UAO Degree in Communication and Digital Content Creation responds to the transformation of the communication sector in the digital era. This innovative programme prepares students to master content creation on digital platforms, integrate marketing strategies, analyse data and manage online communities. With a focus on digital skills, multimedia narrative and advanced technological tools, this degree is designed to train professionals who are capable of adapting to today's dynamic media panorama.

2. Certification in advanced digital tools

The course includes training in Big Data, UX-UI, SEO and SEM, graphic design and digital marketing, key areas in today's digital communication market.

3. Focus on sustainability and professional ethics

The degree incorporates Sustainable Development Goals and promotes ethical values in digital content creation, ensuring that students are trained to contribute to a more inclusive, informed society.

4. Communication HUB

 An interdisciplinary communication space with four areas of specialization: 
AulaNews: Editing a multimedia digital newspaper.
AulaAgencia: Communication, advertising and public relations agency.
AulaMedia: Audiovisual production company for the creation of professional multimedia content.
AulaThink: Think tank for generating knowledge and carrying out research in the field of communication.

5. Leadership and Employability: Design YOUR Future

A New Design YOUR Future Employability Acceleration Programme for students of all degree courses at CEU universities that aims to improve employability and facilitate integration into the professional world, reducing the time until the first work experience. Developed by the CEU Employability Advisory Council's Entrepreneurship Commission and designed by future employers, it focuses on knowledge of the labour market and how companies work.

6. Area of audiovisual communication

New facilities, infrastructures and fixed and mobile equipment for teaching activities. Television studio, sound studio, photography studio, radio workshop, digital newsroom and experiential research laboratory.




1st Year

2nd Year

3rd Year

4th Year

Career Opportunities and Internships


Students who obtain the official Degree in Communication and Digital Content Creation from the Abat Oliba CEU University can develop their career in the following areas:

  • Specialist in Digital Communication
  • Digital Content Creator
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing Analyst
  • Digital Project Manager
  • Expert in Multimedia and Transmedia Communication
  • SEO and SEM Strategies
  • Digital Transformation Consultant
  • UX/UI Designer
  • Digital Content Editor/Postproducer
  • Online Reputation Manager
  • Transmedia Narrator
  • Community Manager
  • Content Curator
  • Specialist in Big Data for Communication
  • DirCom
  • e-Learning Content Developer
  • Digital Events Producer


During the last year of their degree, students undertake compulsory internships in companies, offices or institutes in their area of choice.

These practical training programmes, which are included in the curricula, enable students to apply and complement the knowledge acquired during their academic training, favouring the acquisition of professional skills that will facilitate their future work placement.

The activities the student will carry out during their internship will be defined, by mutual agreement, by the company tutor and the Internship and Employment Service coordinator who is responsible for the internship.

Students will also have an academic tutor who will monitor and assess the internships to ensure students gain the maximum benefit from their placement.

For further information, please visit the Internship and Employment Service.

  • List of companies





universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Universidad Católica de Argentina 4* AR UCA Spanish
Universidad Católica de la Plata 1* AR UCALP Spanish
Universidad Fasta 2* AR UFASTA Spanish


universidad plazas Cod.Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Murdoch University 2* AU MURDOCH Ver requisitos


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
ISFSC Saint Louis 2 B BRUXEL86 French B1
Artevelde Hogeschool (Gante) 4 B GENT39 English B1
PXL University College 2 B HASSELT22 English B1, (exchange courses), Dutch B2 (degree programs)
Howest Hogeschool 4 B KORTRIJ03 English B2/Dutch B2
Thomas More University College 4 B MECHELE14 English B2


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Universidad Finnis Terae- Santiago 2* CL FINNIS Spanish
Universidad de Santo Tomás 2* CL UST Spanish
Universidad del Desarrollo 2* CL UDD Spanish


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Seccional Cali 2* CO JAVE Spanish


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 2 D BONN01 German (expected A2; recommmended B1), English not specified)
University of Technology in Dresden 2 D DRESDEN02 English B1/German B1
Catholic University of Eichstätt 1 D EICHSTA01 English B2/German B1
Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen) 4 D FRIEDRI01 English B2/German B2
Ilmenau University of Technology 2 D ILMENAU01 German B2/English B2/C1
Johannes Gutenberg - Universität Mainz 2 D MAINZ01 German B1/English B1


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Danish School of Media and Journalism 2 DK ARHUS10 English C1/Danish C1
Roskilde Universitet 2 DK ROSKILD01 English B2/Danish B2


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP) 6 F TOULOUSE09 French B2/English B2
Toulouse Catholic University 2* F TOULOUSE09 French B2/English B2
Université François-Rabelais 4 F TOURS01 French B2


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Maynooth University 12* IRL MAYNOOT01 English B2


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Università degli Studi del Molise 1 I CAMPOBA01 Italian A2/English for several programs and exchange students
Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM 2 I MILANO05 Italian A2/English B1
Università Suor Orsola Benincasa 3 I NAPOLI04 Italian B1
Libera Università Maria Assunta LUMSA 10 I ROMA04 Italian B1/English B1


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Rikkyo-University College of Intercultural Communication 4 JA CIC English B2


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Soongsil University 2* KO SOONGSIL English B2
EWHA Womans University 3* KO EWHA English B2 y NOTA PONDERADA EXPEDIENTE 7,5/10 o superior


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Taylor's University 2* MA TAYLOR English B2


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Universidad Anáhuac México 2* MX UAMN Spanish/TOEFL 89 o IELTS 7.0
Universidad Panamericana 2* MX UP Spanish
Universidad Iberoamericana 2* MX IBERO Spanish
Universidad del Valle de Atemajac 2* MX UNIVA Spanish


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Volda University College 4 N VOLDA01 Norwegian A2/English B2


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, GroningenCOMUNICACIÓN 4 NL GRONING03 English B2
Tilburg University 2* NL TILBURG 01 English B2
HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht 4* NL TILBURG 01 Dutch B2/ English B2 (requieren certificados según los estudios)


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Universidad de Lima 2* PE LIMA Spanish
Universidad de Piura 2* PE UDEP Spanish


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Universidade da Beira Interior (Covilha) 1 P COVILHA01 Portugués B1
Universidade Catolica de Lisboa (Lisboa) 3 P LISBOA01 (Lisboa) Portugese A2/English B2
Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa - IPL/Escola Superior de Comunicação Social -ESCS 1 P LISBOA05 Portugese B1/English B1


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow 2* PL KRAKOW19 Polish B2/English B2
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin 6 PL LUBLIN02 Polish B1/English B2
Collegium Civitas 3* PL WARSZAW35 English B2


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Jönköping University 2* S JONKOPI01 TOEFL score of at least 575


universidad plazas Cod.Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Canterbury Christ Church University 8* UK CANTERB03 English B2
Conventry University 4* UK CONVENTR02 English B2
University of Glasgow Caledonian 12* UK GLASGOW08 English C1 (Consulta los certificados requeridos en la página web de Glasgow Caledonian University)
Liverpool John Moore University 10* UK LIVERPO02 English B2
Sheffield Hallam University 4* UK SHEFFIE02 English B2, IELTS 6.0


universidad plazas Cod.Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Catholic University of America 4 US CUA TOEFL 80 IBT
Manhattan College 5 US MC TOEFL 80 (internet based exam), 213 (computer based exam), 550 (paper based exam)
University of the Incarnate Word 2* US UIW TOEFL iBT 79/ Cambridge English Advanced Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)  C1/ TOEIC 650/ IELTS 6.5
University of Missouri - St. Louis 4* US UMSL TOEFL minimum iBT score:  61 (PBT: 500, CB: 173) IELTS minimum score: 5.5
Saint Thomas University Houston 2* US UST TOEFL 550
Western Kentucky University 2* US WKU English
Whitewater University, Wisconsin 2* US UWW TOEFL 500 (pBT)/61 (iBT)/ IELTS 5,5


universidad plazas Cod. Universidad Requisitos de idioma
Universidad Católica de Uruguay 2* URY UCU Spanish
*: Places are distributed among the different courses.

Prices and study aids



*Price valid for the 2025-26 academic year

The academic fees correspond solely and exclusively to the provision of the teaching service of the degree enrolled on, this being the only service corresponding to the payment of those fees. By enrolling, the student consents to and accepts that the teaching, tutorials, internships and evaluation tests may be in-person or remote (when the competent authorities so require, either directly or indirectly).

The obligation to pay the aforementioned fees will still apply even in the event that, for reason's beyond the University's control, some of the training included in the degree cannot be carried out according to the teaching schedule established at the beginning of the academic year. Should this occur, the University will guarantee the student that said activity will be reprogrammed whenever possible, taking into consideration the interest of the students and other academic criteria that may apply.


Once you have been accepted on the course, you can reserve your place at the Abat Oliba CEU University, which guarantees you a place at the UAO CEU while you wait to pass the university entrance exam* or other entry requirements. You can do this by making a payment of €1500 (which will be deducted from the total price of the course).

*The reservation of your place will be effective exclusively for the ordinary examination period (June) of the Baccalaureate university entrance exam. Candidates who do not pass the Baccalaureate university entrance exam  or other entry requirements for similar studies in the ordinary examination period (June) but who have paid the Place Reservation fee will have priority in the September enrolment provided the University has places available on the degree course requested.

Cancellation of reservation: You will have until 21 June to cancel your reserved place. You can therefore reserve your place now with full guarantees**

**Period subject to changes in the official enrolment calendar


Once you have formalized the reservation of your place, you can pay the remaining amount in the following ways:

  • Single payment

    A single payment entitles you to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

  • Payment by instalments

    5 instalments per academic year.


  • Monthly payments

    10 instalments with special 0% interest financing with CaixaBank. This also entitles you to a 3% discount on tuition fees.


Contact the Information Service if you would like us to draw up a personalized financial plan.
Tel. +34 932 53 72 00
[email protected]

Quality and Regulations 


You should have an interest in digital communication and new technologies and their impact on content creation and distribution. You should also be interested in innovation in digital media and multimedia production.

It is important that you have the ability to express yourself both orally and in writing, analytical and creative problem-solving skills, as well as a willingness to work in teams and adapt to dynamic environments. Knowledge of languages, especially English, and an aptitude for using digital and technological tools are also valued.

You should also have an open mind towards complex problem solving, a critical approach to the social impact of digital media and be motivated to constantly learn in an ever-changing technological environment. You are expected to demonstrate an interest in digital marketing and social media trends, as well as sensitivity towards ethics and responsibility in the use of digital communication.


  • To train professionals in digital communication and content creation who are adapted to current technological and media trends.
  • To balance theory and practice in areas such as digital marketing, multimedia narrative and graphic design, preparing students for real challenges in the sector.
  • To develop technical skills in video editing, graphic design and digital strategies, promoting a comprehensive practical training.
  • To promote critical and analytical thinking, training students to analyse trends and evaluate the social impact of digital media.
  • To facilitate specialization in areas of interest through optional subjects and final projects, adapting the training to each student's professional goals.
  • To promote the capacity for innovation in digital communication, fostering the formulation of creative solutions and technologies that respond to the changing needs of the market.



Innovation Lab